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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Percent Composition by Mass Example Problem
Percent Composition by Mass Example Problem Percent structure by mass is an announcement of the percent mass of every component in a synthetic compound or the percent mass of segments of an answer or composite. This worked model science issue works through the means to compute percent creation by mass. The model is for a sugar 3D shape broke up in some water. Percent Composition by Mass Question A 4 g sugar solid shape (Sucrose: C12H22O11) is disintegrated in a 350 ml teacup of 80 Â °C water. What is the percent creation by mass of the sugar arrangement? Given: Density of water at 80 Â °C 0.975 g/ml Percent Composition Definition Percent Composition by Mass is the mass of the solute isolated by the mass of the arrangement (mass of the solute in addition to mass of the dissolvable), duplicated by 100. Step by step instructions to Solve the Problem Stage 1 - Determine mass of solute We were given the mass of the solute in the issue. The solute is the sugar block. masssolute 4 g of C12H22O11 Stage 2 - Determine mass of dissolvable The dissolvable is the 80 Â °C water. Utilize the thickness of the water to locate the mass. thickness mass/volume mass thickness x volume mass 0.975 g/ml x 350 ml masssolvent 341.25 g Stage 3 - Determine the complete mass of the arrangement msolution msolute msolvent msolution 4 g 341.25 g msolution 345.25 g Stage 4 - Determine percent arrangement by mass of the sugar arrangement. percent arrangement (msolute/msolution) x 100 percent arrangement ( 4 g/345.25 g) x 100 percent arrangement ( 0.0116) x 100 percent arrangement 1.16% Answer: The percent arrangement by mass of the sugar arrangement is 1.16% Tips for Success Its critical to recollect you utilize the complete mass of the arrangement and not simply the mass of the dissolvable. For weaken arrangements, this doesnt have an enormous effect, yet for concentrated arrangements, youll misunderstand an answer.If youre given the mass of solute and mass of dissolvable, life is simple, however on the off chance that youre working with volumes, youll need to utilize thickness to locate the mass. Recall thickness changes as per temperature. Its far-fetched youll discover a thickness esteem relating to your careful temperature, so anticipate that this estimation should present a modest quantity of blunder into your figuring.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Lincoln Douglas Debates
The College Experience Tomorrow is the principal day of what I will turn into. I composed this in my journal the night prior to my first day of school. I was restless as I envisioned the cliché school room: scholarly understudies, top to bottom conversations about perfect stuff, and obviously, an easygoing educator donning the tweed coat with cowhide elbows. I was additionally sick as I predicted myself suffocating in a dinky pool of understanding assignments and finals, hearing a profound, discouraging voice ask What would you be able to do with your life? Since at that point, I've settled serenely into the school scene and have offered myself the fantasy that I'll hear my calling sometime in the not so distant future, and that my future will acquaint itself with me with a strong handshake. I can't totally freed my inner voice from the real world, nonetheless. My advanced degree and school experience has gotten a kind of erratic, and restless night, in which I have magnificent dreams and thoughts, yet wh en I stir to apply these goals, reality sounds as a six thirty alert and my fantasies are overlooked. Up to this point, I've viewed myself as a definitive individual, capable... The College Experience Essay - Personal Narrative Writing The College Experience Tomorrow is the main day of what I will turn into. I composed this in my journal the night prior to my first day of school. I was on edge as I envisioned the cliché school room: scholarly understudies, top to bottom conversations about perfect stuff, and obviously, an easygoing teacher brandishing the tweed coat with cowhide elbows. I was additionally sick as I anticipated myself suffocating in a dim pool of understanding assignments and finals, hearing a profound, discouraging voice ask What would you be able to do with your life? Since at that point, I've settled easily into the school scene and have offered myself the fantasy that I'll hear my calling sometime in the not so distant future, and that my future will acquaint itself with me with a solid handshake. I can't totally freed my still, small voice from the real world, in any case. My advanced degree and school experience has gotten a kind of erratic, and restless night, in which I have brilliant dreams and thoughts, however when I stir to apply these desires, reality sounds as a six thirty caution and my fantasies are overlooked. As of not long ago, I've viewed myself as an unequivocal individual, capable...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Wollstonecraft Fight on Women’s Right of Equality Free Essays
To each age marriage brings new importance and various desires. Some never need to get hitched, some consider it a snare, some accept that is the best way to endure, some think that its consecrated, some get it done on account of kids and some have been raised to think marriage is a piece of the pattern of life. Since the 1700†³s, men have overwhelmed connections and ladies have been the â€Å"victims†. We will compose a custom exposition test on Wollstonecraft Fight on Women’s Right of Equality or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Mary Wollstonecraft knew about this mastery in the 1700†³s and attempted to teach ladies to become people. She accepts that through training ladies can advance seeing someone and not become a â€Å"slaves†to men. Circumstances are different and ladies have made to a greater extent a spot for themselves in the public eye. All through The Vindications, The Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft contends how significant it is for ladies to be taught with the end goal for them to advance through life and particularly in marriage. This is unmistakably observed when she states, â€Å"if she be not set up by instruction to turn into the buddy of man, she will postpone information and excellence; for truth must be normal to all†(102). Wollstonecraft contends that a lady can't be a decent mother without training. â€Å"Can they be relied upon to oversee a family with judgment, or deal with the poor darlings whom they bring into the world?†(113). Ladies today have the advantage of seeking after an advanced education and with that entryways of chance are opened. Because of these odds ladies presently have greater legitimacy in this nation. Ladies being depicted as a sex images has been underlined for ages. Their principle center has been to be delightful and wanted by all men. Indeed, even today we despite everything open up pretty much every magazine to delightful, thin, attractive ladies. This is what the perfect lady ought to resemble. This is what is wanted by men. Wollstonecraft contends that through †the longing of building up themselves,- the main way ladies can ascend on the planet,- by marriage†(112). The fantasy of an attractive, alluring lady despite everything exists. Other than the quest for marriage, ladies presently have different roads to follow for an effective and productive life. All through The Vindications The Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft looked down on marriage in view of the imbalances among people. She accepted that â€Å"woman and man were made for one another; however their shared reliance isn't the equivalent. The men rely upon the ladies just because of their wants; the ladies on the men both by virtue of their wants and their necessities†(200). Mary talks about how through the advancement of information ladies can turn out to be increasingly equivalent to men. Through instruction and goodness ladies would not â€Å"marry only to better themselves†(194). Most ladies today don†t feel that their â€Å"prize†in life is a spouse. Marriage is increasingly about accomplices and being equivalent. Balance originates from information and the intensity of instruction. With each age brings sudden changes, new wants, new qualities but then numerous conventions remain the equivalent. Ideally every age of ladies will obtain and keep sacrosanct the information they get from the ladies before them. Step by step instructions to refer to Wollstonecraft Fight on Women’s Right of Equality, Papers Wollstonecraft Fight on Women’s Right of Equality Free Essays To each age marriage brings new importance and various desires. Some never need to get hitched, some consider it a snare, some accept that is the best way to endure, some think that its holy, some get it done on account of kids and some have been raised to think marriage is a piece of the pattern of life. Since the 1700†³s, men have commanded connections and ladies have been the â€Å"victims†. We will compose a custom article test on Wollstonecraft Fight on Women’s Right of Equality or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Mary Wollstonecraft knew about this mastery in the 1700†³s and attempted to teach ladies to become people. She accepts that through instruction ladies can advance seeing someone and not become a â€Å"slaves†to men. Circumstances are different and ladies have made to a greater degree a spot for themselves in the public arena. All through The Vindications, The Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft contends how significant it is for ladies to be instructed with the end goal for them to advance through life and particularly in marriage. This is obviously observed when she states, â€Å"if she be not set up by instruction to turn into the partner of man, she will postpone information and temperance; for truth must be normal to all†(102). Wollstonecraft contends that a lady can't be a decent mother without training. â€Å"Can they be relied upon to administer a family with judgment, or deal with the poor darlings whom they bring into the world?†(113). Ladies today have the advantage of seeking after an advanced education and with that entryways of chance are opened. Because of these odds ladies presently have greater legitimacy in this nation. Ladies being depicted as a sex images has been underlined for ages. Their principle center has been to be excellent and wanted by all men. Indeed, even today we despite everything open up pretty much every magazine to lovely, thin, provocative ladies. This is what the perfect lady ought to resemble. This is what is wanted by men. Wollstonecraft contends that through †the longing of building up themselves,- the main way ladies can ascend on the planet,- by marriage†(112). The fantasy of an attractive, alluring lady despite everything exists. Other than the quest for marriage, ladies presently have different roads to follow for an effective and productive life. All through The Vindications The Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft looked down on marriage as a result of the disparities among people. She accepted that â€Å"woman and man were made for one another; however their shared reliance isn't the equivalent. The men rely upon the ladies just because of their wants; the ladies on the men both by virtue of their wants and their necessities†(200). Mary talks about how through the advancement of information ladies can turn out to be increasingly equivalent to men. Through training and uprightness ladies would not â€Å"marry simply to better themselves†(194). Most ladies today don†t feel that their â€Å"prize†in life is a spouse. Marriage is progressively about accomplices and being equivalent. Correspondence originates from information and the intensity of training. With each age brings sudden changes, new wants, new qualities but numerous customs remain the equivalent. Ideally every age of ladies will gain and keep hallowed the information they get from the ladies before them. Instructions to refer to Wollstonecraft Fight on Women’s Right of Equality, Papers
Write an Analysis of the cover of Tsotsi Essays
Compose an Analysis of the front of Tsotsi Essays Compose an Analysis of the front of Tsotsi Essay Compose an Analysis of the front of Tsotsi Essay Compose an Analysis of the front of Tootsie My underlying understanding of the front of Tootsie was that it was during a period of the day when the sun isnt completely conspicuous maybe at Dawn, or it might be at sunset, as the splendid orange sun is Just looking over the highest points of the structures. Additionally there is the ground-breaking blue sky at the highest point of the spread which could show either times of day as it could be shaping or leaving. I believed that in the event that it was day break the male nearness on the spread could have Just begun or even Just completed work, as its very regular o work shifts that way, this would likewise clarify what he looks like tired in any case, this could likewise connect into the likelihood that hes fleeing. I likewise saw that the foundation was very poor, and looked neediness stricken like a shanty town, this hints maybe its situated in an underdeveloped nation, for example, Africa. This connections in to the way that the greatest nearness on the spread is a youthful looking male, as nations, for example, Africa are characteristically male predominant societies, it is demonstrating that maybe the film is adhering to the generalizations as though to ensure that the crowd comprehend the film. The kid on the spread looks just as he doesnt very fit in with the back scene, his garments look extravagant and conceivably even marked. A cowhide Jacket and Chuck Taylor talk all-stars arent precisely what youd hope to find in Africa. Likewise there is the way that he has what resembles a wristband on his correct wrist, this hints maybe the kid has cash, how he got it we are as yet uncertain of. In any case, it may not be an arm band and in certainty could be a solitary cuff which gives us that he could be into wrongdoing. It would likewise clarify the way that hes wearing costly looking garments and watches so strange with his environmental factors. On the base of the spread, without a doubt, little is a train, it looks as if it is Just essentially cruising by. Like an ordinary train does, yet considering it is in a destitution blasted region it could have some other importance. This could interface into the idea possibly the film contains a component of wrongdoing, as the train could be utilized as a technique for escape. Permitting him to desert everything and start another. As this is normal of individuals from or foundations and poor urban communities, they departure to escape and attempt and make a new beginning with the offices and opportunities for a superior life. From the start I believed that the kid in the young men arms could be a kin because of the reality the kid looked so youthful and that perhaps the story was about the young men experience to discover his mom and rejoin himself as well as his more youthful kin. Be that as it may, subsequent to investigating such things like his experience and the chance of wrongdoing. I felt that maybe the youngster was his own. That on account of wrongdoing hed submitted a demonstration which left him with a youngster he didnt essentially need or need and he was Just left with it because of either indiscriminate relations or in any event, submitting a demonstration, for example, assault, or that possibly the childs mother kicked the bucket and the kid was left with its natural dad. The kid is by all accounts holding the youngster close and tight like hes ensuring it which implies that they have some type of a relationship and bond together with the goal that he doesnt need the child to get injured. This at that point suggests that the story could be about the battles of being single and male parent in an underdeveloped nation. I took a gander at the remarks that have most to me was the one composed by the watchman the well known paper expressed Visceral, serious and amazing by the way that it was the gatekeeper who remarked on this film it as of now gives us it must have high status as this specific paper has elevated expectations and doesnt Just advance anything. Likewise the remark makes us wonder if maybe the story is tied in with something terrible which has occurred and theyre attempting to compensate for their slip-ups. Investigating the spread you likewise notice he grants it won and been assigned for. Which are all very esteemed honors. Intimating that it more likely than not been a serious famous film particularly to have really won an Academy Award, and to be designated for not one but rather two Betas and a Golden Globe. This shows the amount of an impact the film more likely than not had on individuals. Likewise you notice the Production brand, Momentum. This is a significant mainstream brand which implies that this film wouldve had a major financial plan and obviously a more extensive crowd which would clarify the astounding selections and grant wins. Ultimately, I saw the GE endorsement it had been granted. 15. This authentication is generally given to films that can't be seen by a more youthful crowd because of the way that the subjects indicated were excessively sensitive for them so by giving the film this declaration it nearly guarantees you that there will be some fragile issues remembered for the film just as some grown-up topics. Conceivably Sex, Drugs, Violence or coarse speech. This could show the likelihood that the youngster is really his. Likewise could show the crowd that he is in a significant poor zone and needs to take and slaughter to endure.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Moment of Inertia of Flywheel Physics Questions Essay Example For Students
The Moment of Inertia of Flywheel: Physics Questions Essay The flywheel of a motor has snapshot of idleness 2. 5 kg†¢m2 about its turn pivot. What consistent torque is required to bring it up to a rakish speed of 400 fire up/min in 8s, beginning from very still? A strong, uniform chamber with mass 8. 25kg and breadth 15cm is turning at 200 rpm on a dainty, frictionless hub that stop the chamber pivot. You structure a basic rubbing brake to stop the chamber by squeezing the brake against the external edge with a typical power. We will compose a custom article on The Moment of Inertia of Flywheel: Physics Questions explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The coefficient of active erosion between the brake and edge is 0. 333.What must be the applied ordinary power to carry the chamber to rest after it has turned through 5. 25 fire up? A 2. 2kg band 1. 2m in distance across is moving to one side without slipping on a level floor at a consistent 3 rad/s. (a) how quick is its inside moving? (b) What is the all out motor vitality of the hip? (c) Find the speed vector of every one of the accompanying focuses as saw by an individual very still on the ground: I) the most noteworthy point on the band; ii) the absolute bottom on the circle; iii) the point on the correct side of the loop, halfway between the loop and the base. d) Find the speed vector for every point to a limited extent c, aside from as saw by somebody moving alongside same speed as the loop. A strong ball is discharged from res and slides down a slope that slants descending at 65â ° from the flat. (a) What least worth should the coefficient of static erosion between the slope and ball surfaces have for no slipping to happen? (b) Would the coefficient of rubbing determined to a limited extent a changed if the mass were multiplied to 4kg? pic] A 392N wheel falls off a moving truck and moves without slipping along a parkway. At the base of a slope it is turning at 25 rad/s. The sweep of the wheel is 0. 6m, and its snapshot of latency about its pivot is 0. 8MR2. Grinding accomplishes chip away in the driver's seat as it moves up the slope to a stop, a tallness h over the base of the slope; this work has supreme worth 3500J. Ascertain h. A play area carousel has span 2. 4m and snapshot of dormancy 2100 kg†¢m2 about a vertical pivot through its inside, and it turns with irrelevant erosion. an) A youngster applies 18N power digressively to the edge of the carousel for 15s. On the off chance that the carousel is at first very still, what is its precise speed after this 15s interim? (b) How much work did the kid do on the carousel? (c) What s the normal force provided by the kid? A 1. 5 kg crushing wheel is as a strong chamber of span 0. 1m. (a) What consistent torque will carry it from rest to a rakish speed of 1200 fire up/min in 2. 5s? (b) Through what edge has it turned during that time? c) Calculate the work done by the torque. (d) What is the crushing wheel’s active vitality when it is turning at 1200 fire up/min? Think about your answer to some extent c. (a) Compute the torque created by a mechanical engine whose yield is 150kW at a precise speed of 4000rev/min. (b) A drum with immaterial mass, 0. 4m in distance across, is joined to the engine shaft, and the force yield of the engine is utilized to raise a weight dangling from a rope folded over the drum. How overwhelming a weight can the engine lift at steady speed? c) At what steady speed will the weight raise? The outstretched hands and arms of an olympic skater planning for a turn can be viewed as a slim bar giving about a hub through its middle. His hands and arms can be joined mass 08kg. At the point when outstretched, they length 1. 8m; when wrapped they structure a chamber of span 25cm. .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 , .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .postImageUrl , .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 , .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:hover , .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:visited , .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:active { border:0!important; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:active , .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:hover { murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6a7 02cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6a702cab01b9fd33a271db54e70f33e4:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Saint John Bosco Essay Research Paper The development of dormancy about the turn of hub of the rest of his body is consistent and equivalent to 0. 40kg†¢m2. In the event that his unique precise speed is 0. 4 fire up/s, what is his last rakish speed? pic] A huge wooden turntable looking like a level uniform circle has a sweep of 2m and an all out mass of 120kg. The turntable is at first pivoting at 3 rad/s about a vertical hub through its middle. Out of nowhere, a 70 kg parachutist makes a delicate arriving on the turntable at a point close to the external edge. (a) Find the rakish speed of the turntable after the parachutist as a molecule. (b) Compute the active vitality of the framework when the parachutist lands. Why these dynamic energies are not equivalent?
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Life as a Talent Scout
Life as a Talent Scout Move over Paula, Randy, and Simon. Youve got competition. So last week, in preparation for a CPW event that my fraternity hosts every year, Battle of the Bands, I went to check out a potential band for the competition. So on the way there, I stopped at Burger King on the way and tried the Cheesy Tots. I dont even want to know how many years of my life I scraped off with that one. I soon arrived at Harpers Ferry to a packed room of about 15 people, 5 of which were staff. Verdict: Well see about them. For your historical pleasure: Last year, Ben Jones and his band performed with guest performer Marilee Jones. What surprises are in store for Battle of the Bands 2007? I guess youll have to wait and see ;-) In other concert news. .well, its not really news if it happened a while ago, right? At a senior class event last semester, three of my friends and I won tickets to go to the Justin Timberlake concert. They were free, and I couldnt say no. So we went. And we had fun. I just recovered my hearing from the girls who were screaming in the row behind me. Go head and be gone with it.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Psychology of Religion Term Paper - 2750 Words
Psychology of Religion (Term Paper Sample) Content: Psychology of ReligionNameInstitutionAbstractReligion and spirituality plays a very crucial role in peoples lives. This means that religion has been a major influence in the history of mankind, and its influence is still being felt today in peoples lives. Psychology of religion consists of the utilization of interpretive frameworks and psychological methods to religious traditions both to non-religious and religious persons. This implies that psychology of religion is the study of religious thought, religious feeling and religious behaviour. Science has been trying to give explanations on the origin, details and uses of religious behaviours and beliefs. The religious lives of people are better comprehended by examining the psychological dimensions of the respective religions. The psychological models that have been employed to study psychology of religion include the humanistic model, the socio-cultural model, psychoanalytic/ psychodynamic model, and the behavioural m odel. Additionally, the familiar methods that have used in the social scientific research on religion are the extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity. Religion is a crucial dimension of peoples lives. The psychology of religion has evolved over time. It was established that its topics interact with nearly all areas of psychology. There has been also an increased collaboration between psychologists specialised in religion and those in anthropology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and cognitive science. This shows the interaction between science and religion. Consequently, most of the scientific views are accepted and applicable in religion. Psychology of religion affects development, religious drug use, public and mental health, and rituals. Religious development usually emphasizes religious development in children and adolescents, as well as spirituality in older adults. Psychology of ReligionIntroductionEvidence has shown that an estimated 60% people attend religious services, and 95% say they have belief in God. 75 % say they pray. About 97% of the population in India, 89 % in Italy, 74 % in France, and 65% in Scandinavian nations report that they believe in God (Paloutzian Park, 2013). Religion has been associated with various psychological concepts. Psychology of religion is regarded as both the oldest and newest field of research in psychology. Psychology of religion flourished in the 1920s and later went dormant for about four decades (Paloutzian, 2009). Human life is usually motivated by religion thus making it a very crucial dimension in peoples lives. Durkheim defines religion as an organized collection of global views, beliefs and cultural systems linking humanity to an order of existence (Durkheim, 2011, p.45). It is estimated that there are about 4,100 religions in the whole world. These religions have narratives, sacred histories and symbols that are aimed at explaining the meaning of life along with its origin. Additionally, they also try to exp lain the origin of the universe. Most of these religions have organized behaviours and clergy. This implies that there are various psychologies that are associated with religion. On the other hand, psychology necessitates the observation of people, recording those observations and attempting to understand what has been seen and recorded. Therefore, psychology of religion is the study of religious thought, feeling and behaviour (Fitzgerald, 2012). Psychology of religion emerged as a self-conscious discipline in the late 19th century. The paper will highlight various concepts that are related to the psychology of religion.DiscussionReligion has been found to be an important dimension of peoples lives globally. A global poll conducted in 2012 found out that an approximated 59 percent of the worlds population is religious, while 36 percent are not religious. Of this, 13 percent are atheists (Loewenthal, 2013). Silberman (2009) suggested that most of the religious traditions have common features of belief including existence of non-material reality and the source of existence such as God is also the source of moral directive. Of the worlds 11 billion people, an estimated two-thirds are either involved in religion or have been influenced by religion in crucial ways. However, females have portrayed a consistent interest in religion as compared to males. This is because they are engaged in both personal and organised forms of religion (Bolt, 2012). They are also more likely to believe in a higher presence. Besides, women also feel religion is a vital dimension of their lives.Psychology of religion is the study of religious thought, feeling and behaviour. The challenge for the psychologists of religion includes the provision of thoroughgoing description of the objects, accounting for the rise of such phenomena in psychological terms, and finally, clarifying the outcome of such phenomena for individuals and the community at large (Fitzgerald, 2012). Following these furt her, spiritual and religious variables are increasingly being incorporated in the epidemiological and experimental studies (Emmons Paloutzian, 2013).Various psychologists of religion consider American philosopher and psychologist William James as the founder of the field (Loewenthal, 2013). William differentiated between personal religion and institutional religion. Personal religion involves a person having mystical experience that can be experienced regardless of culture. On the contrary, institutional religion is termed as a religious organization, in addition to playing a crucial role in the culture of a society. Piedmont (2014) notes that psychology of religion commenced to develop and flourish in the 1970s and 80s. Of the early philosophers, Hegel argued that all systems of philosophy, religion and social science as expressions of the urge to learn about itself along with its surroundings, and record its hypotheses and findings. Therefore, according to Hegel, religion is a fo rm of searched knowledge within which humans record different reflections and experiences. Carl Jung, on the other hand, was more concerned with the positive appreciation of religious symbolism. Following this further, Sigmund Freud gave explanations of the beginning of religion. The modern theorists such as Allen Bergin emphasised the importance of religion and values in therapy. Studies have indicated that science has been trying to explain the origin, details and uses of religious behaviours and beliefs. Even though many scientists conclusions may be in conflict with religious beliefs, they view scientific views as compatible to religious teaching. For instance, contemporary research on cognition and brain reported that human consciousness is compatible with spiritual conceptualizations (Emmons Paloutzian, 2013).The familiar methods that are used in the social scientific research on religion are the extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity. Intrinsic religious motives are referred to as motives within someone. On the contrary, extrinsic religious motives refer to the utilisation of religion for non-religious ends (Paloutzian, 2009). Even though intrinsically religious persons live their religion, and the extrinsically religious individuals use religions, there exists a concept that religion is the major motive in the lives of those people who are motivated intrinsically. However, in reality, religious orientation is more complex as compared to a simple dichotomy between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Intrinsically motivated persons are more probable to agree with statements such as I try harder to carry my religion over into all my other dealings in life. Contrarily, extrinsically motivated people have a higher chances of agreeing with a statements such as Even though I believe in my religion, I have feeling that there are many more crucial things in life.Starbuck (2005) asserts that concepts such as love, hope, forgiveness, self-control, gratitude, and wi sdom are highly priced human dispositions in Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Hindu thought. These virtues are affirmed universal principles in the global philosophies together with ethical systems. Gratitude is the emotional response to reward. Since most religious people view life as a reward or gift, believers are urged to worship God with gratitude. Gratitude acts as a moral barometer, moral reinforcer and motivator (Piedmont, 2014). Research on forgiveness has indicated that most religions account the ability to seek and grant forgiveness as the core elements of good human personality. On the other hand, humility is considered as a remedy for pride. Most psychologists argue that pride is the major cause of all evil. Humility is viewing oneself not better or worse compared to the others, as well being open to new ideas and information. Psychological models and religionEmmons and Paloutzian (2013) argue that religion is the most powerful of all the social forces. Consequently, psyc hology of religion depends on various psychological models to describe religious behaviour and thought. The models include the psychoanalytic/psychodynamic model, the socio-cultural model, the behavioural model, and the humanistic model. A study conducted in 2012 reported that psychiatric conditions linked to psychotic symptoms can be the possible explanations for the revelatory driven activities and experiences like those of Jesus, Abraham, Elijah, and Saint Paul (Allport Ross, 2012).First, the behavioural model stipulates the importance of analysing an individuals learning history to establish the degree to which that persons religious behaviour is being rewarded, imitated and punished. By carrying out an evaluation of the learning history of a person, the patterns of punishments and rewards the person has faced for a variety of ...
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