Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Bombing of Hiroshima essays
The Bombing of Hiroshima essays There are many events in history that have affected many different people. To me, the Bombing of Hiroshima is most significant. This event has changed the lives of many people, the thoughts of people, and many feelings of people as well as countries. The atomic bomb and its destruction of Hiroshima changed the world. I will explain what occurred in World War II that led up to Hiroshima, the aftermath of Japan, and how the world changed after the bombing. We were involved in a war called, World War II. This war began in 1939, yet Japan and the United States were not at war with each other yet. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. This unacceptable act allowed the United States to declare war on Japan a day later. Three years later, on Feb. 19, 1945, we invaded the island of Iwo Gima. Later we also captured the island Okinawa, which was a crucial advantage for the United States. On, August 6th 1945, we dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Three days later, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. On the 14th of August, Japan accepted the unconditional surrender. I believe we utilized the atomic bomb because we lost over 1.5 million soldiers, while Japan had over 9 million soldiers. That means that if we were to invade Japan we would have to basically fight every soldier we had defeated before four times over! The enormous cost of Marines lives from Okinawa, was the deciding factor in plummeting the bomb. Which is why we reduced our losses by dropping the bombs. Losing was not an option. The effects on Japan were horrible. Once the bomb was dropped, instantly 70,000 died. During the bombing an equal amount was also injured. The blast itself was not the only thing that caused deaths. Radiation from the mushroom cloud was emitted causing thousand more to die during that year. Some, who survived, died from leukemia years later. Those who survived the radiation were scarred for life, for their family, friends, and objects we...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Spectroscopy Introduction
Spectroscopy Introduction Spectroscopy is a technique that uses the interaction of energy with a sample to perform an analysis. What Is a Spectrum? The data that is obtained from spectroscopy is called a spectrum. A spectrum is a plot of the intensity of energy detected versus the wavelength (or mass or momentum or frequency, etc.) of the energy. What Information Is Obtained? A spectrum can be used to obtain information about atomic and molecular energy levels, molecular geometries, chemical bonds, interactions of molecules, and related processes. Often, spectra are used to identify the components of a sample (qualitative analysis). Spectra may also be used to measure the amount of material in a sample (quantitative analysis). What Instruments Are Needed? Several instruments are used to perform spectroscopic analysis. In simplest terms, spectroscopy requires an energy source (commonly a laser, but this could be an ion source or radiation source) and a device for measuring the change in the energy source after it has interacted with the sample (often a spectrophotometer or interferometer). What Are Some Types of Spectroscopy? There are as many different types of spectroscopy as there are energy sources! Here are some examples: Astronomical Spectroscopy Energy from celestial objects is used to analyze their chemical composition, density, pressure, temperature, magnetic fields, velocity, and other characteristics. There are many energy types (spectroscopies) that may be used in astronomical spectroscopy. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Energy absorbed by the sample is used to assess its characteristics. Sometimes absorbed energy causes light to be released from the sample, which may be measured by a technique such as fluorescence spectroscopy. Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy This is the study of substances in thin films or on surfaces. The sample is penetrated by an energy beam one or more times, and the reflected energy is analyzed. Attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy and the related technique called frustrated multiple internal reflection spectroscopy are used to analyze coatings and opaque liquids. Electron Paramagnetic Spectroscopy This is a microwave technique based on splitting electronic energy fields in a magnetic field. It is used to determine structures of samples containing unpaired electrons. Electron Spectroscopy There are several types of electron spectroscopy, all associated with measuring changes in electronic energy levels. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy This is a family of spectroscopic techniques in which the sample is irradiated by all relevant wavelengths simultaneously for a short period of time. The absorption spectrum is obtained by applying mathematical analysis to the resulting energy pattern. Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Gamma radiation is the energy source in this type of spectroscopy, which includes activation analysis and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Infrared Spectroscopy The infrared absorption spectrum of a substance is sometimes called its molecular fingerprint. Although frequently used to identify materials, infrared spectroscopy also may be used to quantify the number of absorbing molecules. Laser Spectroscopy Absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy commonly use laser light as an energy source. Laser spectroscopies provide information about the interaction of coherent light with matter. Laser spectroscopy generally has high resolution and sensitivity. Mass Spectrometry A mass spectrometer source produces ions. Information about a sample may be obtained by analyzing the dispersion of ions when they interact with the sample, generally using the mass-to-charge ratio. Multiplex or Frequency-Modulated Spectroscopy In this type of spectroscopy, each optical wavelength that is recorded is encoded with an audio frequency containing the original wavelength information. A wavelength analyzer can then reconstruct the original spectrum. Raman Spectroscopy Raman scattering of light by molecules may be used to provide information on a samples chemical composition and molecular structure. X-ray Spectroscopy This technique involves excitation of inner electrons of atoms, which may be seen as x-ray absorption. An x-ray fluorescence emission spectrum may be produced when an electron falls from a higher energy state into the vacancy created by the absorbed energy.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Growing Trend of Employment-Related Background Essay
Growing Trend of Employment-Related Background - Essay Example Credential fraud consists of an employment candidate falsifying information on the employment application, usually in the form of misrepresented employment history and academics-related credentials. This type of fraud has witnessed the creation of many external agencies which act as third-party investigators and are generally hired as a proactive risk management investment. There is also ample research evidence pointing toward an increased awareness of credential fraud in modern business organizations, promoting human resource officials to promote extensive training to interviewing managers in recognizing potential discrepancies within employment applications. With background checking being established by many organizations in an attempt to combat this fraudulent activity, it is somewhat unexpected that credential fraud continues to rise statistically. This project identifies the potential detriment which is caused by credential fraud, both to the business which experiences increases in similar fraud and to the employee or potential job candidate who knowingly falsifies their credentials. Further, an interview was conducted with the Regional HR Manager at The Home Depot, a major home improvement center with facilities in North America and abroad, to highlight the issues faced by today's human resources departments. Credential fraud is not only a modern problem plaguing businesses, instances of misrepresentation have been experienced since at least the 1970s. Research indicates that fraudulent employment activities involved degree forgery and the use of diploma mills on black markets. These mills offered the creation of official-looking degrees from major universities across the nation, costing, at the time, around $1500.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Social networking site does more bad than good Essay
Social networking site does more bad than good - Essay Example Evidence exists that the use of these sites has a negative effect on individual lives. A research done concluded that longer use of internets had a strong association with â€Å"increased depression, loneliness, and smaller social circles†(Ahn 1441). The effect occurs, as individuals are mostly isolated from their friends and families due to heavy reliance on SNS. As a result, such individuals psychological well-being is affected. Secondly, SNS have been found to affect student’s performance in schools. The effect has been noted in reduced grades to persistent users of these sites. For example, in one of a conference paper by Karpinski (2009), it noted that college Facebook users have lower GPAs as compared to nonusers of the site (Ahn 1442). The argument was that users are most likely to spend longer time at the expense of studying. On the other hand, these sites have led to cyber bullying. Perpetrators of cyber bullying have significantly used these sites (Jung 1). Hence, those that use these sites especially kids are more prone to cyber bullying. Usually, perpetrators hide their real identities to terrorize victims (Jung 1). The vulnerable kids are likely to develop mental problems and sometimes even contemplate committing suicide. Ahn, June. â€Å"The Effect of Social Network Sites on Adolescents’ Social and Academic Development: Current Theories and Controversies.†Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62(8) (2011): 1435-1445.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personal factors Essay Example for Free
Personal factors Essay Factors that affect the personal influences will be the age and stage at the life cycle, lifestyle, occupation, economic status, and personality (Bowens,et al, 2003). Marketers usually target a certain lifecycle stage or a certain age bracket for their products. Like Disney movies, merchandise, television shows which are usually targeting children and teenagers. However as the individual mature so are the buying preferences. Once a person acquires a job some purchases are shaped by that job like clothing, personal articles like bags and shoes. Also these purchases will be further fashioned by the income the person gets from the job. Some companies make their product income-sensitive by offering the same product in a different packaging or smaller size budget packs to be able to fit in certain income brackets (Marketing – Consumer 2008). Marketers are also concerned with how money and time are used by consumers or their lifestyle. This is to be able to know how to favorably present their product to their target consumers. Moreover, the personality of the person also comes into play in purchasing products. Usually, personality is how others perceive the person in socialization with them. However individuas also have their own version of personality called self-concept. This self-concept could be the same or different from the opinion of others. Advertisers use this idea in selling high-end cars to middle class consumers who wanted to project luxury (Principles of Marketing 2008). 2. 5. 4 Psychological Factors Motivation, perception, learning and attitude are the psychological factors that marketers look into to be able to develop better advertisements for their target consumers. Every person has needs that need to be fulfilled. These needs will transform into motives when the need becomes a powerful force that will compel a person to act (Consumer Behavior 2008). There are several theories about human needs but the most common is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. Figure 3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Source: Chapman, 1995 According to this theory each need is hierarchical. One must fulfill the lower need before moving to the higher level. In addition if the reason for fulfillment of the lower need is gone the individual will not have the reason to satisfy the higher needs. For instance, a worker who is sick (safety needs) is not expected to perform well (esteem needs) (Chapman 1995). Now that the consumer is motivated to act upon the need his/her perception how he/she will act. Through perception a person creates an image of the world in his/her mind. This concept is essential to face-face transactions (Bowens, et al. 2003). Take for instance a salesman who speaks slowly and stutter, he could be perceive by the customer as someone is not an authority to the product and could lose the sale. Through our actions we experience the world and through these actions we learn. A person learns from past experiences or through thinking and things that we learn could modify our behavior or actions (Consumer Behavior 2008). Actions with positive outcome are usually repeated – repeat purchases – while actions with negative outcome are not (Marketing – Consumer). As this process cycle, doing and learning, individuals develop beliefs and attitudes. Beliefs are ideas about something that an individual holds as the truth (Marketing – Consumer 2008). While attitude is the constant position of an individual about a certain object or idea (Bowens, et al 2003). Companies use these concepts to be able to develop brand images based on consumers’ beliefs toward the company. Then try to fit the product to the consumer’s attitude rather than changing it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Management Issues of Implementing Welfare to Work Programs In Californi
Management Issues of Implementing Welfare to Work Programs In California In August of 1996, our chief executive of the United States, President Clinton, changed the structure of welfare dependency. He signed into law, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. This act, with its entire new legislature, has come to be known as welfare reform. Our state leaders, administrators and managers face many challenges and constraints in their attempt to implement a law, which will restructure the welfare dependency roles. This paper will take a detailed view of the specific challenges faced by state public sector leaders, in the attempt to implement these new laws which created a new welfare system for the United States. This paper will also highlight the various programs, created from the new legislature, and examine them from implementation through their operations. As the structure of welfare dependency begins to change, the primary challenge faced by state administrators is the ability to get its citizens, who have depended on federal funds to support their families, to depend on their own work generated incomes. For over 60 years, the government has been financially providing a subsidized income for its needy citizens. The government has begun to look for ways to assist its needy and able bodied, welfare dependent citizens, to become much more self-sufficient. The government was also looking at ways to decrease its national debt. Government studies revealed that too many Americans had become too dependent on the financial assistance of the government to support their lifestyles. Tax payers, as well as the republican parties were pushing for a change. They believed that the needy, those that were able sh... ...tive ways to implement dependency reduction programs to fit a large sum of people with a limited and amount of time and funds. Bibliography Barnow, Burt S. and Nightingale, Demetra S., Status of the Welfare-to-Work Grants Program After One Year Challenges, Resources and Flexibility: Using TANF Block Grant and State MOE Dollars http;www.urbaninstitute.org/welfare/wtw_labor.html http://www.dss.cahwnet.gov/calworks/caworks.html http;www.urbaninstitute.org/welfare/wtw_labor.html http://www.hudson.org/wpc/states/cal-tanf.htm http:///www.urban.org/welfare/grants_program/grans_prog.html http://www.dss.cahwnet.gov/calworks/caworks.html http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/xsleszn.htm Welfare Policy Center/ Hudson Institute http://www.hudson.org/wpc/states/cal-tanf.htm wysiwyg://119/http//www.ncsl.org/statefed/welfare/flexblty.htm
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Globalization Interconnectedness Past and Present Essay
We can go even a further back and argue that globalization, in the logic of a growth in interconnectedness between members of different states, is itself only a special case of something more universal. In medieval Europe most people for most-of the time stayed close to where they were born. They inspired mainly local goods and, primarily, produced either for themselves or for a very local market (Schlossberg H. 1992). Economies were mainly local. Trade over considerable distances took place on water either by sea or river, which accounts for the inconsistent number of towns and villages which were either by the sea or on rivers. Human beings seem to have had a steady urge to detach themselves from the area as much as the technology of the day permitted (J Gray 1992). Certainly there have always been big movements, sometimes of populations looking for better circumstances and of conquerors building empires. Under the Roman Empire, large parts of Europe were ‘globalizing’ in this sense and the degree of globalization declined with the Empire’s retreat. The medieval Church could be seen as several form of globalizing force but the degrees of interaction and interdependence were much reduced in the so-called Dark Ages (Thurow L 1996). Communications are also of significance in considering the ‘nationalization’ of different states. As communications enhanced (which before electronic communication meant, in fact, how fast people could travel), states had much more practical unity. This was mostly true of large states such as Canada and the United States where the railroad meant that people could travel between the major population centers, and numerous of the minor population centers, within two or three days as opposed to weeks. Markets then became national as an instant precursor to becoming international. These changes can all be measured parts of the same process (Herman E and McChesney R 1997). On this view, globalization is a trend which has been going on for centuries, which is undeniably continuing and might be accelerating. In this sense, the present period is not in itself novel. However, Scholte (1997) argues that there is more to globalization than this. For him globalization is not just communication on a global scale but deterritorialisation or superterritorialisation of numerous activities which formerly were tied to some terrain, not as a matter of an accident but as a matter of necessity. Thus, there is efficiently a global stock market. There are twenty-four hours trading in the world as a complete and traders in, say; the Tokyo markets keep a close eye on the London market on a real-time basis. There are differences. Tokyo is not just a postal (or e-mail) address of any implication but these differences are minor compared with the similarities or with the distinctions that existed even thirty years ago. It would most probably be possible to place all the worlds’ stock markets in a single place say on a South Sea island and it would make very little difference. It would perhaps make even less difference if this were to be done in twenty years’ time. (It might be a development. The traders might be so tempted by the sun and the good life that they would spend less time trading. Thus, trade less anxiously, and calm the often totally needless fluctuations in the various financial markets. ) On the other hand, certainly, all the traders could work from home. This is the point. The actual geographical location is trivial (Weiner E. 1992). Basically, Globalization is typically held to be inner to globalizing processes usually with the economic put up as the motor of globalization. This heaves questions not simply about the capability of the nation state to govern and the standing of national companies and economic interests but as well concerning what and who comprises civil society. As suggested by Robertson, the coexistence of nation state and civil society is busted by globalization. This offers the origin for an increase in the power of the market, but as well opens up diverse possibilities for globalize forms of sociality and practices, for what some term globalization from below (Robertson, R. 1992). Here, the connection between state and citizenship might be loosened with people playing a vigorous role in more global networks to address issues of communal concern. National governments become simply a partial focus is still influential for definite forms of popular involvement, as established by such groups as Greenpeace and definite humanitarian groups. Globalization consequently offers possibilities as well as intimidation to the extend of capitalist relations. On the one hand, for example, there is the feminization of labor where: †¦global assembly lines are ‘manned’ by women workers in free trade zones; subcontracted industrial home working is performed at kitchen tables by women who ‘have time on their hands’; home-based teleworking is carried out by women who can’t afford day-care costs and are grateful to have paid work (Manicom and Walters 1997:72). However, practices as well expand that convey together groups pretentious by economic reformation in new ways, such as trade unions support labor and community projects exterior their own national base. Likewise, information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be utilized by contradictory groupings. Affinity groups of ‘senior’ or retired citizens, feminist scholars, individuals who share knowledge on health afflictions, hobbyists, professionals, political organizations and many others are†¦using the Internet to educate, proselytise and organize, cutting across national boundaries with apparent ease. (Goodenow 1996:200) As notions of globalization both from below as well as from above help to reframe some of the varied potential within globalization, they as well present a explicit spatial association that seems to be set within specific binaries of above-below, power-resistance and domination liberation. In other words, this is an idea of globalization already included within specific politics, rather than, a reframing of the political and definitely a resistance to it. Conclusion Thus, to compete effectively, business organizations should develop a technology strategy. Moreover, as the concept of the globalization significantly extends this concept to government; not least by giving it an influential institutional framework, but does not significantly alter its function. The global economy does, though, stand in a different relation to the government since it is no longer neutral. It is still presented as apolitical, and is consequently still understood to be ‘economic’, but it has also become a normative and, certainly, normalizing, reality. The global economy functions in a different way with regard to the government; whilst movements in the world economy have long inclined economic policy within the government, the global economy presented as some new realism forces changes in national policy as a complete. This has the further significance, of forcing the government to distinguish between its proper function with regard to the global future and its function with regard to a sub-national, local past. Through the formation of the competition government, the homogeneity of the national economy though assumed in theory is cooperating in practice. The national private economy ceases to be believable as a homogenous unity and becomes a single but distinguished space. This has, certainly, always been the case, but the mobility of capital and the disintegration of the labor-intensive fordist production systems in the North has grinded the differences between regions of the similar government.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Develop Professional Relationships with Young People
Outcome 1 Due to my job role in guidance and welfare, it is not often that I am in a situation where I have a whole groups needs to think about. Much of my work is designed on a 1:1 basis, arranging time frames when I can dedicate a set amount of time to one young person to discuss their current needs and situations. However when I have been in a class situation with students, I tend to move from one young person to another throughout the lesson. I would spent 2-3 minutes working 1:1 with a pupil, working through their current task with them, ensuring they understand the work and can complete a task unaided.I would then check that they could complete the next set of answers or understand their next task and then move onto another pupil. After three or four 1:1 tasks, I would then address a table group, to check that everyone is still on task and understands what they are doing. I would then resume 1:1, returning to pupils with a higher need throughout this process to keep them on tra ck and ensure they were receiving the support they require. It is important to maintain regular input with the whole group, as well as addressing individual’s needs.This means that the whole group can stay on task and be focused as well as including every pupil in that lesson in their education. Outcome 2 Effective communication is the best way to build a positive relationship with a young person. Spoken word and body language are everyday forms of communication between people, but one we most often take for granted. Body language is probably the most important way of expressing how we feel and making someone else understand what we want to tell them. It is important to use the correct body language, give clear signals and make young people feel comfortable.I would always lower my height to that of a young person’s so that I can use direct eye contact whilst talking to them. This will help to put them at ease, as they are not being stood over by an adult. If a person i s angry or upset, this also communicates that there is no threat coming from me and that I am there to listen to them, and am interested in what they need/want to say. Spoken word should be clear and positive. Use language that the young person will understand and check for acknowledgment of what you have said. When giving instruction, ask them to repeat back what you have asked them to do, this is an effective method of checking nderstanding and confirming key points. Show that you are listening, nod your head, and acknowledge emotion, â€Å"I can see that you are angry or upset†. Paraphrase information to check your understanding and show that you are listening to what they are saying. This will build confidence in the young person to communicate with you. 2:1 – There may be times when how you communicate will need to be different; you may be dealing with situations where specific needs will require you to adapt your communication skills further: * The age of the you ng person, * The situation you are in, The personal development of the young person, * Language or Physical Barriers to communication. When dealing with such situations, clear thought should be given to how you chose to communicate. Adapt language to suit the understanding of the young person. If required use sign language or images to explain work or communication. Show that you are listening, by using positive body language and clarifying key points, or summarizing to ensure you have heard and understood properly. Try not to make assumptions either, let the young person explain, engage with the information they are telling you.If you are dealing with a situation where you think another side of the story may also have taken place, ask them, â€Å"what about this? †or â€Å"I heard that †¦. Can you explain? †this will give the young person the chance to explain and reflect on their choices, and also build up trust in you because you don’t jump to conclusi ons. If communication is planned, i. e. a meeting or mentoring session and you are aware of barriers to communication, plan before hand. For example, when dealing with a young person or adult who does not speak English as their first language, plan how you can effectively communicate.Do you require an interpreter? Can you use a computer to interpret language between you? Case Study – I have had to use Google systems before to speak with a child who spoke no English at all, when dealing with a situation that happened during lunch. This then led to me using our Sims system to show photos of pupils so she could identify children who she did not know. A letter was then translated to send home so that parents could be informed of what had happened. Translated texts are also a common use of communication between our school and some parents when English is not their first language.Thought should also be given to the environment in which the communication is taking place, if you are in a noisy place or a public area, it may be better to take the conversation to a quieter or more private place. If a meeting space is required, ensure the room is cool, there is adequate seating, all of which is on the same level, and that exits are clearly visible and accessible, ask if they are ok for you to close the door before you do so, or leave the door slightly ajar, it reduces the anxiety of being closed in and feeling vulnerable, it will also help to safeguard both yourself and the pupil/parent.The most important key to all communication is positive interaction. SMILE, talk clearly and calmly and give time for young people to digest information and respond accordingly. Don’t be afraid to correct a young person if their language or reaction is not acceptable and if a situation requires, don’t be afraid to walk away, but let the young person know you will be returning to them to talk. Outcome 3 Effective communication between adult to young person and adult to adult is not actually that different. The key points still apply to any person you have a form of communication with: 1. Smile! 2. Show Positive Body Language, . Talk clearly, calmly but assertively, 4. Show active listening, 5. Show acknowledgement for emotions and 6. Confirm understanding. As adult’s we are more aware of situations and differences and how that can effect communication. I would like to think that working within the education system also gives us a good knowledge of how best to deal with this. Cultural and social differences require some understanding of what will make the communication most effective. Will there be any barriers to understanding or language? Would two members of staff (one male, one female) have a more positive effect or make communication easier?Is there any confidentiality or child protection concerns based on the cultural or social difference of the adults involved? (Especially if discussing their child). Thought would need to be given to such barriers and ensuring you adapt communication appropriately. The situation of the communication can be the biggest variant, as meetings are not always planned or parents can arrive at the school unannounced. Conflict could be the cause of the communication taking place, which would therefore present a more challenging situation to adapt to. However for all these circumstances the basic positive interaction would still apply.The six key points above would ensure that you stayed focus, that effective communication could take place and that adults would feel that they could trust you to communicate fairly with them. Even if you disagree on something, effective communication will still build trust between you. 3:1 – There may be situations where you don’t have all the answers required or are able to offer the support needed. It would be in these situations where you could refer an adult to either: * Another member of staff, either more appropriate to the subject (spe cific subject teacher) or Senior Leadership. In house support staff, (Guidance & Welfare, or SEN) * Information on another service to contact who could offer more appropriate support or advice. Doing this would ensure that you are offering all the support and guidance that you can to an adult, you are confirming that you have listened and understood the individual’s needs and you have provided them with further support. Case Study – An unannounced adult complaint, I was called to reception because a member of the public had arrived demanding to speak with the headmaster. He was very angry because of an incident which had happened on the bus that morning. I escorted the gentleman to an office which had easy access due to his disability, and apologized for the fact that some of our pupils had behaved so badly. I then asked him to explain to me exactly what had happened on the bus; Some young people wearing our uniform had been rude to him and had purposely knocked his le g whilst sitting on the bus, after he had explained to them that his leg was pinned and he was unable to bend or move it, which was why he was sitting at the back of the bus. What had enraged him more was whilst sitting in reception the same group of boys had walked past; recognized him and then ran off laughing.I confirmed key points and wrote them down. As he did not know names, we then used the Sims system to look through photos, so that he could identify the pupils involved. I also wrote these onto the statement. I then discussed what our next actions would be and assured him that a member of the Guidance Team would be in touch at the end of the day to inform him of what had been done. His contact details were taken and I escorted him back to reception, commenting that the majority of our students are very well behaved and polite and that I was sorry he had had a poor experience of some of our pupils.As arranged, my colleague who dealt with the pupils in question, called him bac k to inform him of what had been done and ask if anything else was required of the school for him. This was a conflict situation which was dealt with promptly and effectively, leaving the gentlemen in question with a positive experience of dealing with staff at our school, and knowing that behavior is addressed appropriately and effectively by staff. Outcome 4 Too often you hear adults say to a child â€Å"Do as I say, not as I do†.I however feel this is not the most productive way to teach young people how to be responsible people. Every adult has a part to play in being a role model for the younger generation, whether you are a parent, relative or just an adult in the street. If young people see us behaving in a certain way, they will see that as being acceptable and will behave accordingly. As the adults in society it is our responsibility to teach others what being a positive role model and member of society means.Within the school setting, I find that I have adopted the guidance role in my manor when dealing with all pupils. I do not instruct pupils to do things, I not TELL them to behave a certain way. I aim to guide them into making the right choices. I treat all pupils fairly, I do not shout or raise my voice at people, and I do not use inappropriate language or actions towards people (both staff and pupils). I aim to treat people as I would expect to be treated myself, and have high expectations in this!If a young person is not compliant, I will offer choices and give clear instruction as to what each choice will lead to. It is then up to the pupils to choose their path and face whatever consequence comes from that choice. If a pupil is using inappropriate language or behavior I will address them by stating that is not the correct way to behave and thank you for not continuing to act that way. (this may need repeating! ) However being a good role model is not just about being the ‘perfect’ human being all the time. That is impossib le!Young people need to learn that all adults are people, we have bad days, days when we feel ill or tired or angry, just the same as them. The important thing is that we teach them how to behave when we are feeling like that or put in situations where we have to deal with others who feel like that. It is teaching them that it is ok to be angry, but there are still some things you can’t do, like physical violence or shouting/swearing at people. It is ok to make mistakes, but learn from them and apologize if you have done something wrong.I often talk behaviours through with young people. â€Å"Is it ok to behave like that? †they will often respond â€Å"No†. Ask them â€Å"what should you do in that situation? †9 times out of 10 they can actually give you a decent answer, if they struggle, again give two options and ask them to choose which would be the best. This gives them ownership over their decisions but also teaches then the understanding of conseq uences for actions and choosing to make the right decisions.Being a good role model is about being a positive member of society, having manors, saying please and thank you as a matter of normality and teaching people to be responsible for their own actions, both positive and negative. If young people see the adults around behave like this all the time, they too will make the right choices and grown into positive citizens with high expectations of themselves and what they achieve. 4:1 – One would like to think that working within the education system that all the adults you work with have a like mind when it comes to working with young people and values.Encouraging adults to have positive relationships with young people, works much the same way as encouraging young people to have positive relations with each other. Leading by example is the best way to teach people how to treat each other, but sometimes it requires more than this. Mediation can be a good way of helping to rest ore negative relationships between staff and pupils, it gives them a chance to explain things to each other, reflect and restore trust in their relationship.Sometimes it can become necessary for staff to exchange helpful information with each other about how best to work with particular students. Some staff may have certain tactic that they find work well with a specific young person and can encourage other staff to use them to enhance their working relationship with the pupil in lessons. Outcome 5 All policies and procedures are clearly set out in our staff handbook, which is reviewed and republished at the beginning of each school year (September).All staff have access to this through the intranet and paper copies are kept by our DHR. Sharing information is encouraged and necessary for effective communication within school, weekly briefing meetings are held for all staff to share information and fortnightly Inclusion meeting are held to keep staff up to date with key pupils and st rategies. Confidential information is shared between key staff members: Staff information is handled by out DHR and their Line Manager, Pupil information would be dealt with by guidance and welfare staff.Staff who have a concern about a pupil, would report this to the guidance and welfare department, this would then be dealt with accordingly between the department. If child protection concerns are highlighted, this information would be passed to the Designated C. P Officers, Mr. Cooley-Greene and Mrs. Godfrey (Myself), we would then liaise between each other and our Senior Officer Miss Greenhalgh. Staff information is kept on file by the DHR, and only she has access to this information, all staff queries are dealt with by Mrs.Beynon and she is responsible for ensuring that data is protected and stored correctly. Pupil information is stored on the school Sims system. All staff have access to the information on this system, but only specific staff have access to edit or view certain p arts of the system. All C. P Files are stored in a separate file, which is password protected and a locked file. Contact details and parents information can be seen by any staff, but only edited by reception staff, all staff are aware that no information should be given out to other parents or pupils.The Sims system is password accessed so only staff who have been given access to the school system can view this information. Information is shared and reported in many different ways depending on the content. Informal concerns, or non-confidential information is usually reported through staff verbally or through email. Once the information has been dealt with a communication log on Sims, or an track of emails will be saved into the pupils file in the guidance drive. This information can be accessed by all staff and be shown to a parent in required.More significant information is often still share verbally, but in confidence, a significant event sheet, will them be completed and auction ed and again saved to the pupils file. Child protection information would be disclosed verbally to a C. P Officer, and all relevant paperwork completed and auctioned, saved either electronically in password protected files or on paper, stored in a locked C. P file. Information regarding staff would be dealt with in much the same way, again dependant on content but reported to the appropriate Line Manager or DHR.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Can an English Literature Course Help Me to Write a Worthy Paper
How Can an English Literature Course Help Me to Write a Worthy Paper How Can an English Literature Course Help Me to Write a Worthy Paper? WhÃ'â€"là µ wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng Ã' à ¾mà µÃ'• nà °turà °llÃ'Æ' to some Ã'ۈ µÃ ¾Ã'€là µ, others have tà ¾ mà °kà µ Ã' à ¾nÃ'•Ã' Ã'â€"à ¾uÃ'• à °nd concentrated à µffà ¾rts to craft a worthy paper. It doesn’t concern à ¾nlÃ'Æ' thà µ wà ¾rdÃ'•, but à °lÃ'•à ¾ the fà ¾rmà °ttÃ'â€"ng, spelling à °nd grà °mmà °tÃ'â€"Ã' à °l à µrrà ¾rÃ'• thà °t à ¾ftà µn overfill the students à µÃ'•Ã'•à °Ã'Æ'. There is a numbà µr of rà µÃ °Ã'•à ¾nÃ'• fà ¾r thÃ'â€"Ã'•, hà ¾wà µvà µr they Ã' à °n be Ã' à ¾rrà µÃ' tà µd effortlessly wÃ'â€"thin a short period à ¾f time. In the case of containing a lot of mistakes, the à µÃ'•Ã'•à °Ã'Æ' could nà ¾t receive a good mark. It Ã'â€"Ã'• important tà ¾ make Ã'•urà µ that à °nÃ'Æ'thÃ'â€"ng frà ¾m a paper title to a full blown rà µÃ'•à µÃ °rÃ' h Ã'ۈ °Ã'ۈ µr Ã'â€"Ã'• Ã' à ¾rrà µÃ' t and rà µÃ °dÃ'• wà µll. English Literature Helps Students who have taken a course in English literature face these issues less or do not suffer from these problems at all. Why? Because they have been exposed to so many literary works that you can be assured, they can tell you even more on how to write a perfect paper. The Power of Reading Now taking an English Literature course provides you with a number of benefits. It is known that people, who read a lot, train their memory so that they can keep everything in mind. Moreover, their vocabulary is much more spread than a common student’s one is. They may even do not now all the rules on how to write properly, but they do this automatically. Such a course certainly helps them write more creatively and be more aware of the common errors and how to avoid them. Once you have read many books written by great writers, on different styles and on different issues, your mind is more open to new ideas, how to describe emotions, how to use the right word at the right time. What is most important, it teaches you how to be a lot more engaging with what you are writing about. Logical sequences and well-constructed sentences help to maintain the interest of the reader. As a result, your chances of submitting a worthy paper are far greater. Here are some common errors that can occur in the submitted term papers: Spelling Using spell check is not 100% reliable. Sometimes the context of the sentence can confuse the logic of a computer program. Be aware. Improper Person Almà ¾Ã'•t every Ã'•tudà µnt hà °Ã'• a problem wÃ'â€"th writing Ã'â€"n the wrà ¾ng Ã'ۈ µrÃ'•Ã'ۈ µÃ' tÃ'â€"và µÃ'• at Ã'•à ¾mà µ Ã'ۈ ¾Ã'â€"nt or another. It Ã'â€"Ã'• a Ã' à ¾mmà ¾n Ã'€rà ¾blà µm, and Ã' à °n bà µ addressed with a lÃ'â€"ttlà µ bit of undà µrÃ'•tà °ndÃ'â€"ng. Thà µ two most Ã' à ¾mmà ¾n Ã'ۈ µrÃ'•Ã'ۈ µÃ' tÃ'â€"và µÃ'• for wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng are thà µ first à °nd third Ã'ۈ µrÃ'•à ¾n. Fragments and Run-On Sentences Students commonly fÃ'â€"nd themselves à µÃ'â€"thà µr wÃ'â€"th a là ¾ng wÃ'â€"ndà µd Ã'•à µntà µnÃ' à µ à ¾r ones thà °t are nà ¾t Ã' à ¾mÃ'€là µtà µ ideas. ThÃ'â€"Ã'• Ã'â€"Ã'• a và µrÃ'Æ' Ã' à ¾mmà ¾n Ã'€rà ¾blà µm à °mà ¾ng professional wrÃ'â€"tà µrÃ'•. Gà µnà µrà °llÃ'Æ', individuals would à µÃ'â€"thà µr have trà ¾ublà µs wÃ'â€"th à ¾nà µ or the à ¾thà µr, but Ã'â€"n Ã'•à ¾mà µ cases bà ¾th Ã'â€"Ã'•Ã'•uà µÃ'• à °rà µ a problem. Not Proofreading Prà ¾Ã ¾frà µÃ °dÃ'â€"ng Ã'â€"Ã'• nà ¾t à °ll that fun à °nd no à ¾nà µ lÃ'â€"kà µÃ'• doing Ã'â€"t, but Ã'â€"t Ã'â€"Ã'• really important for a wà µll wrÃ'â€"ttà µn paper. AÃ'• wà µ Ã'ۈ ¾Ã'â€"ntà µd out earlier, Ã'•Ã'ۈ µll check does nà ¾t Ã' à °tÃ' h à µvà µrÃ'Æ' tÃ'Æ'Ã'ۈ µ à ¾f à µrrà ¾r that Ã' à °n bà µ fà ¾und in typical wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng. It takes only a fà µw mÃ'â€"nutà µÃ'• to rà µÃ °d à ¾và µr to make sure thà °t thà µÃ'Æ' à °rà µ complete thà ¾ughtÃ'•, have thà µ Ã' à ¾rrà µÃ' t wà ¾rdÃ'• and mà °kà µ Ã'•à µnÃ'•à µ.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Use French Punctuation
How to Use French Punctuation Although French and English use nearly all of the same punctuation marks, some of their uses in the two languages are considerably different. Rather than an explanation of the rules of French and English punctuation, this lesson is a simple summary of how French punctuation differs from English. One-Part Punctuation Marks These are very similar in French and English, with a few exceptions. Period or Le Point . In French, the period is not used after abbreviations of measurement: 25 m (mà ¨tres), 12 min (minutes), etc.It can be used to separate the elements of a date: 10 septembre 1973 10.9.1973.When writing numbers, either a period or a space may be used to separate every three digits (where a comma would be used in English): 1,000,000 (English) 1.000.000 or 1 000 000.Its not used to indicate a decimal point (see virgule 1). Commas , In French, the comma is used as a decimal point: 2.5 (English) 2,5 (French).Its not used to separate three digits (see point 3).Whereas in English, the serial comma (the one before and in a list) is optional, it cannot be used in French: Jai achetà © un livre, deux stylos et du papier. Not Jai achetà © un livre, deux stylos, et du papier. Note: When writing numerals, the period and comma are opposites in the two languages: French English 2,5 (deux virgule cinq)2.500 (deux mille cinq cents) 2.5 (two point five)2,500 (two thousand five hundred) Two-Part Punctuation Marks In French, a space is required both before and after all two- (or more) part punctuation marks and symbols, including : ;  «  » ! ? % $ #. Colon or Les Deux-Points : The colon is much more common in French than in English. It may introduce direct speech; a citation; or the explanation, conclusion, summary, etc. of whatever precedes it. Jean a dit :  « Je veux le faire.  » Jean said, I want to do it.Ce film est trà ¨s intà ©ressant : cest un classique. This movie is interesting: its a classic.  «  » Les Guillemets and - Le Tiret and ... Les Points de Suspension Quotation marks (inverted commas) dont exist in French; the guillemets  «  » are used. Note that these are actual symbols; they are not just two angle brackets typed together . If you dont know how to type guillemets, see this page on typing accents. Guillemets are usually used only at the beginning and end of an entire conversation. Unlike in English, where any non-speech is found outside of the quotation marks, in French guillemets do not end when an incidental clause (he said, she smiled, etc.) is added. To indicate that a new person is speaking, atiret (m-dash or em-dash) is added. In English, an interruption or trailing off of speech can be indicated with either atiret or des points de suspension (ellipsis). In French, only the latter is used.  « Salut Jeanne ! dit Pierre. Comment vas-tu ? "Hi Jean!" Pierre says. "How are you?" - Ah, salut Pierre ! crie Jeanne. "Oh, hi Pierre!" shouts Jeanne. - As-tu passà © un bon weekend ? "Did you have a nice weekend?" - Oui, merci, rà ©pond-elle. Mais... "Yes, thanks," she responds. "But- " - Attends, je dois te dire quelque chose d'important  ». "Wait, I have to tell you something important." The tiret can also be used like parentheses, to indicate or emphasize a comment: Paul - mon meilleur ami - va arriver demain. Paul- my best friend- will arrive tomorrow. Le Point-Virgule ; and Le Point dExclamation ! and Le Point dInterrogation ? The semi-colon, exclamation point, and question mark are essentially the same in French and English. Je taime; maimes-tu? I love you; do you love me?Au secours! Help!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Integrated management system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Integrated management system - Essay Example According to Griffith (1999), an integrated management system (IMS) is ‘the organizational structure, resources and procedures used to plan, monitor and control project quality, safety and environment’. The need for an integrated management system has been felt basically because of considering the adoption of an Environment Management System (EMS) and/or an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&SMS) besides a Quality Management System (QMS), as per the business and industry requirements (Stamou, 2003), as Figure 1 depicts the centre of an Integrated Management System and examples of standards through which the integration can be attained. An IMS is shown situated at the centre of the three systems, adopting common features of all the three management systems. As all standards have been securely implemented in the marketplace of different industry sectors, the certification organisations are in favour of an integrated approach wherein a company has a single management system in place in stead of many systems functioning individually showing allegiance to many standards at a time. Having independent management systems under the command of different independent management teams, according to certification agencies, is a risky proposition as each management system would take the organisation in a different direction making the focus on company objectives blurred. Only integration can solve the problem by bringing cohesiveness in the implementation of different standards (Dr. Brewer et al. 2005). An integrated management system fulfills the needs of any organisation, of any size and sector, assimilating the elements of two or more management systems into single unitary system by maintaining and following documentation, policies, procedures and processes holistically. Those organizations already into a single established management system are more prone to and
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