Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Undivided Declaration Of Rowland High School - 1098 Words
In Rowland High School, October 6, 2014. The Undivided Declaration of Rowland High School, When in the course of human events, it becomes imperative to shake off the bands of repeated name-callings and falsely given identities which have been connected for so long, and to assume that the playing field is once again even, giving your undivided attention and respect to the opinions of the unheard and abandoned as they state why they have decided to stand up against the bullying and how they plan to write how to isolate themselves from bullying altogether. We hold these truths to be axiomatic: that all students, no matter their background, ethnicity, or rank, are created equal in status and in identity; no student is higher than the other. Each student is equipped with secure and unalienable Rights; that among these rights are Respect, Rightful Identity, and Freedom of Speech. We also believe that rules are formed to protect these certain rights and that the power of these rules comes from the power of the students; whenever any part of the rule fails to protect these rights, it is the right of the students to change it and to form a new rule that follows such principles which organizes its powers to end in Security and Happiness. Fair judgment, as a matter of fact, will ordain to say that long prevailing consequences should not be changed because of trivial, temporary, or fleeting reasons; and, in fact, history proves that students are more likely to suffer the bullying,
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Frankensteins Origin Assessing Thompsons Argument for...
The greatest modern stories often hail from ancient myths, and Mary Shelleys novel, Frankenstein, proves no exception to this claim. Replete with references to John Miltons Paradise Lost and the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus, the story of Frankenstein seems, in many ways, very much like the Creature himselfâ€â€which is to say, cobbled together from various scraps of previously existing parts. Terry W. Thompson, however, argues convincingly that scholars continue to ignore one of Frankensteins most influential literary antecedents: the Greek hero known as Hercules (Thompson 36). In his article, A Majestic Figure of August Dignity: Herculean Echoes in Frankenstein, Thompson even goes so far as to list, point-for-point,†¦show more content†¦While Thompsons article can claim many merits, it is not without its particular flaws. Although he mentions the fact that Hercules is not born disfigured and ugly (as the Creature is), Thompson never truly addresses the importance of this difference (37). As we learn in Frankenstein, much of the reason for the Creatures rejection and his eventual acts of evil stems from the fact that his unsightly appearance inspires fear in those who encounter him (37). Frankenstein himself feels breathless horror and disgust on first seeing the Creature alive, the yellow skin of whom scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath (Shelley 58). Such an appearance almost certainly differentiates the development of the Creature from the development of Hercules. By not adequately discussing the ways in which their differing appearances might have affected the respective fates of Hercules and the Creature, Thompson ignores a major thematic aspect of Shelleys novel. Thompsons article also fails to explain significance of his findings. The reader is left asking several questions: What is the critical importance of Thompsons argument? Why should we consider the influence of the Hercules myth on Frankenstein, and what does the influence mean for us as readers and scholars of Shelleys work? How does this influence compare to the myriad other literary influences on Frankensteinâ€â€John Miltons Paradise
Monday, December 9, 2019
Share and Dividends for Company or Corporation-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theShare and Dividends for Company or Corporation. Answer: The present case is based on the matter of dividends. Generally, dividends are some kind of additional payment made out of shares. It is important to understand the differences between the shares and dividends (Jacob and Jacob 2013). A person can buy shares to become a member of the company or corporation. On the other hand, dividends are a certain profits given to the shareholders of the company. In Australia, the directors are allowed to pay the dividends to the shareholders by the provisions mentioned under the Corporation Act 2001 (Hooi, Albaity and Ibrahimy 2015). There are certain sections under the Act dealing with the matter. A companys power over providing the dividends is prescribed under section 254T of the said Act. Provisions regarding the dividend right have been mentioned under section 254W of the Corporation Act 2001. The rule stated under section 254T of the CA 2001 has been amended in the year 2010 and there are certain changes are formed in the present section. Previously it allows the directors of a company to give the dividends from the gross profit of the company. before the amendment, the law engraved under section 254T was mandatory in nature and the company had to pay dividends to the shareholders from its profits (Iftikhar, Raja and Sehran 2017). However, after the amendment, a company is liable to pay the dividends based on certain conditions. A company has to assess the assets and it will pay the dividends only when it exceeds the liabilities. This is called as the balance sheet test. A company can also pay dividend to its shareholders if the payment seems to be fair and reasonable to the other shareholders. The payment of dividend must not make to prejudice the creditors of the company (Garling, Smith, and Sanders 2013). In Re Centro Properties Ltd [2011] NSWSC 1171, it was held that a company might pay the dividend under certain scheme of arrangement. The section is at the discretionary of the company to pay the dividend out of the profits of the company and the same principle was maintained in Wambo Coal Pty Ltd v Sumiseki Materials Co Ltd [2014] NSWCA 326. However, recently the Court has expressed its consent over the payment of dividend from the profit of the company until the insolvency of the company in Taylor v Babcock Brown Ltd [2015] FCA 149. However, it has been mentioned that if the constitution of a company gives any provisions regarding the payment of dividend, the company has to maintain the same (Mitchell, Izan and Lim 2015). In the present case, it has been observed that the company (FWPL) maintains a constitution and it had been written that it is the discretionary power of the company to pay the dividends to the shareholders and specially the A Class shareholders. Based on the facts, the company had decided not to pay dividends to the A class shareholders. As it has been mentioned under the provision of the constitution that giving dividends are not mandatory, therefore, no action can be taken regarding the same against the company (Akyol and Foo 2013). This is also supported by the provision of section 254T of the Corporation Act 2001 and it has been stated that a dividend can be paid based on the satisfaction of other shareholders. In this case, an allegation has been made against the Galli grandchildren regarding their efficacy and contribution in the company. Therefore, the law to get the dividend also bars them and they cannot bring the allegation on the grounds of oppression against the company. Meaning of share buy-back: This question is evolving with the principle of share buy-back (Galloway 2016). It is a common rule that the shareholders are investing their money to buy the shares of the company and that support the company economically. The term share buy-back occurs when company buys the shares from the shareholders again. A share buy-back can be taken place if the company has decided to return the invested money to the shareholders by purchasing the companys own shares. It is a fact that each shareholder is the owner of the company literally and they are investing their money to increase the capital fund (Wood, Watson, and Chung 2014). However, it has been noticed that the sharing ownership cannot make profits for the company, the company can decided to buy their shares back for reducing the cost of the capital. In 2016, Walt Disney had taken steps to buy their shares back at $7.5 billion. Provision regarding the buy-back policy has been mentioned under section 257B of the Corporation Act 2001. Benefit of buy-back: The benefits of the share buy-back can cause increase in the share earnings. The companies are buying the shares on cash. Therefore, it helps to increase the return on equity. The companies are usually purchased the share from the shareholders at present market value. Therefore, the investors are also getting profitable by this. Share buy-back helps to increase the potentiality of the remaining shareholders. Requirements for buy-back: The process of buy-back is of two types, open market and off market. Company can announce the buy-back policies through tender system. In the tender system, the company specifies price of the shares. In open market policies, there is no particular price fixed by the company. Meaning of capital reduction: In every company, the shareholders hold certain equity. Capital reduction is used to reduce tthe equity by way of cancellation or repurchasing of shares. A company is using the instrument to increase the value of the shareholders. The cancellation process regarding a share is governed by the provision of section 256B of the Corporation Act 2001. Provision regarding the buy-back policy has been mentioned under section 257B of the Corporation Act 2001. The reason behind the capital reduction is to reduce the share capital of the company or if the company faces certain revenue loss process (Yarram, and Dollery 2015). The process of capital reduction creates minimum impact on the shareholders. In certain situation, they receive certain amount for the same. in this case, the company FWPL can use the capital reduction as it includes share buy-back and share cancellation. Requirement: There are certain steps that are required to be followed by the company to reduce the capital. It is required to deliver a notice to the creditors regarding the capital reduction. A general meeting can be conducted to pass resolution and after a period of three months, the company needs to submit an application regarding the entry of the reduction. The countdown will begin after the three months from submission of the application, payment is to be made to the shareholders, and the same will be posted in the commercial register. The Australian Security and Investment Commission is imposing with the duty to regulate the process of capital reduction. There are two types of company where the process of capital reduction can be observed. In single member company, there is no necessity to issue notice but in the selective reduction company. In this case, a form 484 is to be submitted to reduce the share capital. In Australia, the Corporation Act 2001 is dealing with the different sections of the share and dividend regarding the corporation or the company. Consent: Capital reduction can be possible by certain consents from different sources or authorities (Yarran and Dollery 2015). It is a fact that without special resolution, reduction is not possible. If the creditors are agreed, then the same can be reduced by the interference of the court. According to section 102 of the Corporation Act 2001, it is the primary object of the court to resolve the problems of the creditors and satisfied them. If there is a problem arises regarding the fixation of money, tribunal has the power to fix the same. Reference: Akyol, A.C. and Foo, C.C., 2013. Share repurchase reasons and the market reaction to actual share repurchases: Evidence from Australia.International Review of Finance,13(1), pp.1-37. Dhaliwal, D., Li, O.Z., Tsang, A. and Yang, Y.G., 2014. Corporate social responsibility disclosure and the cost of equity capital: The roles of stakeholder orientation and financial transparency.Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,33(4), pp.328-355. Galloway, C., 2016. Crisis Communication Research in Australia.The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research, pp.337-346. Garling, S., Hunt, J., Smith, D. and Sanders, W., 2013.Contested governance: culture, power and institutions in Indigenous Australia(p. 351). ANU Press. Hooi, S.E., Albaity, M. and Ibrahimy, A.I., 2015. Dividend policy and share price volatility.Investment Management and Financial Innovations,12(1), pp.226-234. Iftikhar, A.B., Raja, N.U.D.J. and Sehran, K.N., 2017. IMPACT OF DIVIDEND POLICY ON STOCK PRICES OF FIRM.Theoretical Applied Science, (3), pp.32-37. Jacob, M. and Jacob, M., 2013. Taxation, dividends, and share repurchases: Taking evidence global.Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,48(4), pp.1241-1269. Mitchell, J., Izan, H.Y. and Lim, R., 2015. Australian on-market buy-backs: an examination of valuation issues. Wood, D., Watson, L. and Chung, E., 2014. Cancellation of elective surgery within 24 hours: avoidable and can we improve the outcome?.Bju International,113, pp.28-29. Yarram, S.R. and Dollery, B., 2015. Corporate governance and financial policies: Influence of board characteristics on the dividend policy of Australian firms.Managerial Finance,41(3), pp.267-285.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Large Hadron Collider Research Paper Essay Example
Large Hadron Collider Research Paper Paper Large Hadron Collider, abbreviated as LHC, is a particle accelerator at the oncoming bunches, designed for acceleration of protons and heavy ions (ions of lead) and study the impact of their products. Collider has been built at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), located near Geneva, on the border of Switzerland and France. LHC is the largest experimental installation in the world. Over 10 000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries has participated in the construction and research. Those who are trying to write a decent research paper on Large Hadron Collider have to know that the word â€Å"Large†is the part of the name due to the Collider size: the length of the main accelerator ring is 26659 m; the word â€Å"Hadron†is due to the fact that it accelerates up hadrons, meaning heavy particles made up of quarks; the word â€Å"Collider†(from Engl. to collide) is due to the fact that the beams of particles are accelerated in opposite directions and collide in special points of collision. The trajectory of protons (heavy ions of lead Pb) begins in linear accelerators (at points p and Pb, respectively). Then the particles fall into the Proton Synchrotron booster (PS), follow to the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and, finally, go directly into the LHC tunnel. TOTEM and LCHf detectors are close to the CMS and ATLAS detectors, respectively. The accelerator is expected to push protons with a total energy of 14 Tev (i.e. 14 teraelectronvolt or 14*1012 electronvolts) in the center of mass of incident particles, as well as the lead kernel with the energy of 5 Gev (5*109 electronvolts) for each pair of colliding nucleon. At the beginning of 2010, the LHC has surpassed the previous record by Tevatron Collider, located in the USA, the second large collider, which operated until the end of 2011, at the Enrico Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. We will write a custom essay sample on Large Hadron Collider Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Large Hadron Collider Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Large Hadron Collider Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Despite the fact that the adjustment of the equipment is stretched on for years and not yet completed, the LHC has already become the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, ten times greater than other colliders, including the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider RHIC, operating at Brookhaven Lab, United States. During the first weeks of operating, the LHC luminance did not exceed 1029 particles/cm ?*s, however, it continues to rise. The goal is to achieve nominal luminance of 1.7*1034 particles/cm?*s with the order-of-magnitude corresponding to the BaBar luminance (SLAC, United States) and Belle (KEK, Japan). The accelerator is located in the same tunnel, which was first occupied by the Large Electron–Positron Collider. The tunnel with circumference 26.7 km goes underground in France and Switzerland. The depth of the tunnel is from 50 to 175 m, and the ring of the tunnel reaches approximately 1.4% tilted relative to the Earth’s surface. For retention, correction and focusing the proton beams, 1624 superconducting magnet with the total length of 22 km are used. Magnets operate at a temperature of 1.9 K (-271 ° c), which is slightly below the transition temperature of Helium.
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