Saturday, May 23, 2020
Arab Refugee Crises And The Balkan Wars Of The 1990s
The world is growing at such an intensely fast rate that it can’t keep up with itself. Looking at countries like China and India that are just piling on top of each other, one gets a bit of an understanding of just how cram packed the world has become. With one billion people in India, a region half the size of the U.S, we can see that this could create a problem if there was a disaster, or an internal issue in that nation. Europe is now faced with one of the biggest influx of people that it has seen since the Balkan wars of the 1990s.( Anne Paludan: Refugees in Europe) Failed states have created such terrible living conditions of fear and unlivable habitats that people are desperate to get to safe locations. Why is there such a large number of refugees, and how can Europe create a system through its politics to combat the issues that come with a mass influx of refugees? Are terrorists the ones to blame for all Syrian refugee crises? Does Islamic radicalism play a key roll in the reason for war in the Middle East, or are westerners ignorant to the reasons behind these current crises? Are there any systems that can be put in place to help migrants and refuges, or is the key to Europe’s on going sustainability going to be the refusal and removal of refugees? These questions are not easy to answer and have to be looked at with open eyes, and sensitivity to such a complicated issue. However, the terror of hundreds of thousands of people on the move, risking their lives acrossShow MoreRelatedThe Unhcr13403 Words  | 54 Pagesworkers from Egypt and Tunisia but including many more nationalities. This is the largest international evacuation since the 1st Gulf War (1990) ( The raising of crisis is alarmed as one of the global trends and causes a lot of displaced persons, asylum seekers and refugees. Not only the raising crisis, but also the existing wars, ethic cleanings, and civil wars results challenges of protection of people. Who ca n these people and the world count on in this kind of situation? Our very firstRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA TempleRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesrelations: rare, medium, or well-done? in Harvard Business Review Vol. 26 No. 1 Harvard Business School Publishing (Roethlisberger, F. J. 1948); Figure 3.6 Courtesy of ATT Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ; Figure 4.1 The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London; Figure 4.2 adapted from Performance evaluation and control: supporting organizational change in Management Decision Vol. 39 No. 10 MCB University Press (Johnson, P., et al. 2001); Figure 5.1 Pete Saloutos/CORBIS; Table 5.1  © Managerial
Monday, May 18, 2020
Racism and Its Deep Roots in US History - 1688 Words
Racism and Its Deep Roots in US History Throughout US history, white Americans often viewed the other races (or coloreds) as inferior. Even though slavery had been abolished, laws and practices inhibited the fundamental rights African Americans were entitled to. Thus the mentality of racism and prejudice thoughts had persisted in people’s minds. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is set in Maycomb County, Alabama during the timeframe of the 1930s. Citizens of Maycomb County abide by a set of segregation laws and practices. Maycomb County is a typical homogenized and strictly divided region in southern US. The main character Scout is challenged with concepts regarding morality and ethics when dealing with racism occurring at†¦show more content†¦In our courts, when its a white mans word against a black mans, the white man always wins. Theyre ugly, but those are the facts of life†(Lee. p.117). A few days later, there was news going about Tom Robinson being gun down while attempting to escap e. The death of Tom Robinson provoked more racist stereotypes concerning the morals and ethics of African Americans. As Scout thought in her head, â€Å"To Maycomb, Toms death was typical. Typical of a nigger to cut and run. Typical of a niggers mentality to have no plan, no thought for the future, just run blind first chance he saw. Funny thing, Atticus Finch mightve got him off scot free, but wait-? Hell no. You know how they are. Easy come, easy go. Just shows you, that Robinson boy was legally married, they say he kept himself clean, went to church and all that, but when it comes down to the line the veneers mighty thin. Nigger always comes out in em†(Lee, p. 128). The execution of Tom Robinson implies the title of this book: To Kill a Mockingbird. In a literal sense, Tom Robinson is like a Mockingbird, whom does no harm. In a way he might have already â€Å"died†or lost faith in himself when he was sentenced to prison. Atticus could have appealed his case to the state supreme court which he might eventually be acquitted. As Atticus once informed Scout and Jem earlier that it is an sin to kill a Mockingbird. It can be implied that Bob and Mayella Ewell are responsible for killing of a mockingbird, which in aShow MoreRelatedPolice Rights Research Paper970 Words  | 4 Pagestake a knee during the National Anthem. This one act set off a firestorm that has echoed deep in the core of the American conscious. It began to show the differences of this country in a new light. â€Å"If human differences have their place, so also does divine unity. For those who are in relationship with God, this unity must, because of God’s nature, have precedence over diversity,†shares Okholm. What the root of this protest by Kaepernick? What did it say about racial matters, and what fears did itRead MoreMy Capstone Project Is A Set Of Five Free Verse Poems872 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom different point of views and of different racial views. Using five different races, I depicted the hardships of the time in order to display a creative point of view of the minority groups in the United States. Utilizing DOC terms, there will be deep analyses of intersectionality, dominant ideology, racial formation, emergent ideologies, and residual ideologies. The main purpose of my project is to provide the true hardships many races suffer due to the emergent, dominant and residual ideologiesRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills1315 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. This is its task and its promise.†C. 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As it is also passed down from generation to generation to create that sort of lifestyle that defines each personality and its value. Culture symbolizes the values we possess in life. Furthermore, culture is diverse and it is significant to dig deep into it, and identify what we value the most, what is essentially needed, and how we look at the world. It is the tool that we use in order to survive. It is basically how we survive without even noticing how imp ortant it is and how we communicateRead More`` Song Of Solomon Written By Toni Morrison And Film The Searchers Directed By John Ford1535 Words  | 7 PagesMorrison and the film The Searchers directed by John Ford. In both these works of fiction prejudice is an underlying theme of the central plot. Throughout both plots, it becomes apparent the cause, cost and cure for prejudice taking the form of racism. The root of prejudice in Song of Solomon comes from slavery and the legacy of it that the generations that follow carry with them. The continuing legacy of slavery is evident in the protagonist Milkman’s own ancestry. For example, Milkman’s own true lastRead MoreA Non Indigenous Student1397 Words  | 6 Pagescannot embrace your own Indigeneity, connect to your place and ancestry, and put effort into learning about your ancestral roots. I was feeling frustrated that I did not have that connection to my ancestors, that I did not know their struggles, their stories, let alone their names. For this embodiment project I expanded my knowledge of my own personal genealogy and developed a deep sense of appreciation for archival records, census forms, and any record at all, of life in the eighteenth century and beyondRead MoreRacism : Is Racism Growing?1401 Words  | 6 PagesIs Racism Growing? Since the transition into a society where people were seen as different colors, the overall idea of racism was born. People were either discriminated or simply oppressed due to the color of their skin. Although many Americans believe that racism is declining due to the apparent evidence of an increase of personal freedom and a societal conscious, racism in reality is far from extinguished, and is simply finding new avenues to be expressed and abused. In a country based on theRead MoreEveryday Use by Alice Walker949 Words  | 4 PagesThe Meaning of Heritage In the early 1970s, the Black Power movement was not only a political slogan against racism, but also an ideology that promoted racial pride and embraced the elements of the African culture. During this time, many African-Americans were encouraged to grow their hairs into afros, wear traditional African clothing, and reject their white slave names. In the story Everyday Use, Alice Walker presents a family with opposing views towards tradition and creates a character fooledRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Are An Outstanding Example Of A Dysfunction1233 Words  | 5 Pagessociety helps us understand the simplicity of a complex shaped idea. Notwithstanding that Tituba is considered irrelevant during the Salem trials, nevertheless Tituba exposes European perceptions of Native Americans as a basis for cultural superiority and oppression, since Tituba is an indisputable symbol of injustice, slavery, racism, as well as the defamation of her culture. The decisions that Tituba made throughout her trial, contributed in a substantial magnitude to the American history that’s known
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Level 2 Customer Service Assessment - 4739 Words
Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. * The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk * Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly * When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Please note that this Assessment document has 12 pages and is made up of 5 Sections. ------------------------------------------------- Section 1 – Understand the factors that affect an organisation and the customer service role 1. Complete the table below with a description of the products and services for at least two commercial organisations, public organisations and third sector organisations.†¦show more content†¦Staff are trained to understand the company’s culture and all services offered so they fully understand their role. | Public organisation | Satisfaction is a primary factor in this sector, but not as concerned with excellence in customer service as the commercial sector. Rather than selling products to make profit they offer services to the community. The quality of and access to an organisation is usually guided by working to customer service charters. Making sure the services offered are satisfactory and beneficial to the community at the right price must be balanced. | Third sector organisation | Often do not have fully trained staff (as many are volunteers) when it comes to customer service skills so sometimes may be a lack of soft skills when it comes to communication an d customer service to service users. More attention is paid to the emphasis on care and support to people. Third sector customer service approach is making sure a good quality service is provided in a helpful, friendly and efficient way | 3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), outline the role that customer service plays in this organisation and its industry as a whole. Organisation - Tesco Customer service plays a vital role in the running of this organisation. As they have many competitors they try extremely hard to stand out above the rest with their customer service approach. They use the slogan ‘Every little helps’ toShow MoreRelatedStephanie Beck Address Customer Needs Essay example1647 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ASSESSMENT: BSBCUS402B – Address Customer Needs Assessment activity 1 1. What procedures could be implemented in a workplace to identify and analyse customer needs, wants and expectations? To identify customer needs, you should first determine who your potential customers are help you develop a more detailed picture of them and understand how to target them. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
To Kill or Not to Kill, That is the Question Essay
To Kill or not to Kill Since ancient times, nations all around the world have been imposing the death penalty for a wide variety of crimes such as rape, adultery, incest, murder, espionage, treason, military desertion, corruption, human trafficking, and even drug trafficking. Execution has been becoming less and less popular each year, but it is still a very controversial subject in today’s society. Some say that execution is unconstitutional, inhumane, or otherwise unfair. Death is feared widely above all other punishment. Capital punishment is not only the strongest deterrent, but it is also the most cost efficient solution to severe crimes, as well as the most effective in actually proving guilt, and bringing fair justice to the victims†¦show more content†¦He fought the point that executing someone with anything less than absolute certainty of his or her guilt was a crime in itself. In more recent centuries, as societies progressed along with other forms of punishment, police forces, an d penitentiaries, capital punishment became less and less necessary to deter people from crime. As the death penalty became less needed so did the need for the executions to be public. Around this time is when the executions begun moving into the prisons out of view of the public. In 1820 however, in Britain, the law still said that crimes as small as petty theft, shoplifting, and cutting down trees in public places were punishable by death. These crimes clearly do not fit the punishments, so juries often refused to convict, or judges would lower the status of the crime just enough to not rate the death penalty. There are many reasons to want the death penalty legalized everywhere, such as deterrence. As long as people fear death (which they always will) common sense tells us that people will be less likely to commit these especially heinous crimes. People choose to commit the crimes that they do, knowing full well the consequences in store for them. â€Å"The death penalty honors human dignity by treating the defendant as a free moral actor able to control his own destiny for good or for ill; it does not treat him as an animal with no moralShow MoreRelatedTo Kill A Mockingbird Chapter Questions2540 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿To Kill A Mocking Bird – Chapter Questions 1) What do we learn about Atticus Finch, his children and the town of Maycomb in the first chapter? a) Atticus Finch is a wise, single father. He is a qualified, intelligent and distinguished lawyer practising in the south of Alabama in a rural town named Maycomb. Atticus has a high moral integrity and is bred from an upper-class background. He has a brother named Jack Finch and a sister named Alexandra. Atticus has two children named Jean-LouiseRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Essay Questions/Answers1847 Words  | 8 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird Questions 1. 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Why are Scout and Jem shocked? AtticusRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 1-8 Questions1002 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 1: #1 a) â€Å"Tired old town†(pg. 5) b) â€Å"Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing fear but fear itself†(pg. 6) c) â€Å"nothing to buy and no money to buy with it†(pg. 6) d) â€Å"nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County†(pg. 10) #2 The setting of the story take place in Maycomb County, Alabama, during the 1930s. #3 Scout was telling the story about Boo Radley, she said Radley was locked up in a basement as a teenager for once getting in troubleRead MoreEssay on To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 9-15 Questions1338 Words  | 6 Pagesagainst the entire town. c) Its about courage, in relevance to his taking of the case. Scout was using vulgarities. Atticus was saying this to Uncle Jack; that shed grow out of it soon. He’s explaining to Jack that children will always ask questions to things they don’t understand and should always answer them. Atticus was talking about Scout; that she may not do whats best all the time but she tries. Atticus doesnt understand the behaviour of the town - their immense prejudice againstRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Ch. 12 - 17 Study Questions3188 Words  | 13 Pagesmob of men. 5. What does Scout’s childish attempt at conversation accomplish? Explain. Scout’s conversation attempt makes the men go away. Because she does this, Mr. Walter Cunningham is reminded of his own child and wonders what will happen if they kill Atticus. They then go away. 6. Why was Atticus so affectionate toward Jem after Jem had disobeyed him? Atticus can tell that his son was so worried and loves him, therefore he shows his affection back. Also, if Jem had not come, the men could haveRead MoreEssay on To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-21 Questions1010 Words  | 5 Pageshate, ignorance and sadness to everyone. He is essentially the opposite of Tom. He even abuses his daughter in the worst possible way. 2. Atticus mentions Tom’s previous record because he went to show the jury the Tom was answering all of the questions truthfully. 3. Toms version is that Mayella invited him inside, then threw her arms around him and began to kiss him. Tom tried to push her away. When Mr. Ewell arrived, he flew into a rage and beat up his own daughter, while Tom ran away scaredRead MoreTo Kill a Mocking Bird Chapter Questions 1-4 Essay1006 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 1 Chapter 1 introduces readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, its inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of its people. Find a sentence or a paragraph which illustrates each of the following attitudes/ideas. Quote at least a portion of the sentence or paragraph and give the page number. pride in ancestry and â€Å"tradition†â€Å"Tired old town†(pg. 5) pride in conformity and distrust of those who are different â€Å"Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothingRead MoreEssay on Death Penalty1342 Words  | 6 Pages Capital Punishment Capital Punishment: a.k.a. the death penalty. To kill or not to kill. This is an extremely controversial question in today’s society. The number of people who are for it still believe in the saying, â€Å" an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.†These are the people who feel if you intentionally take the life of someone else, then yours should be taken as well. But then there are the other number of people who feel the death penalty should be banned because of its cruelRead MoreEssay Justice System in To Kill a Mockingbird897 Words  | 4 PagesAlthough the dedication of Mr. Finch in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, even though it turned out against his favor due to an absence of evidence and a debauched court hearing. This court hearing makes readers question whether or not the justice system of that era was fair and in retrospect, a good question is whether or not our justice system today is fair and lawful. If you think that a false conviction was unfair, Tom is eventually killed for his false conviction under a faulty justice system. To me
Baby Boomers Free Essays
Alexi Seely Professor Beauchene English 102 4 December 2012 Argument Response Essay In the article Blue Collar Boomers Take Work Ethic to College Sander’s makes that argument that the baby boomers of our time are still eligible to work, and are very willing to try new ways of achieving the education to start different forms of work. Most of the baby boomer generation had gone straight to hard labor jobs to help bring home money for their families, and now that they are older the labor is straining on their bodies (Sanders 3). While they may be older, they are still capable of learning how to use new technology and expanding their minds (Sanders 27). We will write a custom essay sample on Baby Boomers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sanders discusses that college is no longer a place for young adults to attend once out of high school, but rather a place for anyone to receive high education in order to attain a job. Some of the older Americans are choosing to go back to college. Mr Hill says, â€Å"I want a job sitting down, at the computer, in the cubicle†¦after being out in the field for so many years, I would like a sit-down job. Mr. Hill had decided that after working in the cold for so long, he thought that he deserved to make good money while not doing much physical labor (Sanders 24). After being a part of a great things or helping their country, some of the baby boomers believed that they deserve to live a cushy life. To a different extent, older Americans have to continue college as a matter of necessity. In paragraph 30 Mr. Ronan states, â€Å"They do not have the luxury nor the interest in going back to college for two or three years, they need something quick†¦ †This statement tells readers that older Americans do not have the luxury to go back to college because unlike younger Americans, they have bills to pay. Some of the baby boomers are continuing college for a job because the hard labor of their old career has left their bodies withered (Sanders 3). However, just because their bodies are incapable of hard work, does not mean that their minds are. When these older students come to college, they bring their values with them. In today’s society, people believe that college is just something that mostly everyone must go to after high school as a part of their path in life; and some take it for granted. The older Americans, or baby boomers, did not have the opportunities to go to college like we do. To them, college is a wonderful experience to learn the things needed to go into their field of work or even just to further their own knowledge. Baby boomers realize the value of a good education and what it can bring for their careers (Sanders 31). They are simply merging their work ethic from hard labor jobs, to studying just as hard in the class room. Works Cited Sanders, Libby. â€Å"Blue-Collar Boomers Take Work Ethic to College. † Everything’s an Argument 5 (2010): 949-53. Web. How to cite Baby Boomers, Essay examples
Fahrenheit 451 symbolism paper free essay sample
Ray Bradbury, the author of the well-known science fiction novel Fahrenheit 451, was alarmed by how much time he felt the public devoted to watching television in the 1950’s. â€Å"If this [trend of television watching] goes on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he wrote, â€Å"nobody will read books anymore†(XIII). This thought of a television-obsessed future public frightened Bradbury. He was particularly fearful of how technology might prevent people from forming relationships with each other and connecting with the world around them, which would make them unable to develop human consciousness. He used the format of literature to describe his fears in the futuristic science fiction novel Fahrenheit 451. In the novel, Bradbury uses symbols to illustrate his concerns about future generations living in a technological society without books. Bradbury uses the symbol of hands to represent human conscience, the symbol of the phoenix to mark rebirth, and the symbol of the mechanical hound to stand for the cold inhumanity of technology. The first symbol, the symbol of hands, demonstrates human conscience. Bradbury’s descriptions of the hands of his various characters represent that character’s current state of human consciousness. Guy Montag, the novel’s main character, develops a human conscience throughout the course of the novel. Montag is a firefighter in Fahrenheit 451’s futuristic world of technology. Montag’s job is to burn books, which destroys the wisdom and insight that the books contained. At first, Montag does not feel any moral conflict with this task. Indeed, he finds it â€Å"a pleasure to burn†(Bradbury 3). Montag’s displays his true lack of conscience in how he describes his actions (McGiveron 1). Montag glorifies his actions as a firefighter by describing how â€Å"his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters in charcoal ruins of history†(Bradbury 3). Montag’s hands are clearly in control of his actions in the way he describes his work, because a â€Å"conductor†is a person who is in control. Also, Montag’s description shows that he has no conscience guiding the work of his hands as a firefighter because he does not even recognize the â€Å"blazing and burning to bring down the tatters in charcoal ruins of history†as a sad event (Bradbury 3). Montag’s conscience does not begin to develop until he meets a young girl named Clarisse, who is a â€Å"sensitive, observant person who questioned society†(Sisario 2). Montag and Clarisse have a conversation in which Clarisse asks Montag many thought-provoking questions about the world. Clarisse’s questioning leads Montag to view the world differently. Clarisse awakens Montag’s conscience and changes his opinions on his job as a book-burning firefighter. Bradbury expresses Montag’s newfound consciousness through the actions of Montag’s hands (McGiveron 2). For example, Bradbury writes that â€Å"[Montag’s] hand had done it all, his hand with a brain of its own, with a conscience and a curiosity in each trembling finger, had turned thief†(Bradbury 37). This quote is from the scene where Montag is opening his first book to read. Montag talks about his hands having a conscience because he is not ready to acknowledge that he has a conscience. Therefore, Montag’s hands are symbolizing his development of a human conscience. In contrast to Guy Montag’s active, conscious hands, Mildred Montag, Guy’s wife, has dull, listless hands. Montag describes his wife as having â€Å"hands that don’t [seem to be] doing anything at all†¦[t]hey just hang there at her sides or they lay there on her lap or there’s a cigarette in them, but that’s all†(Bradbury 156). Mildred’s unmoving hands show that her inner conscience is not existent. Mildred is the opposite of Guy; she is fully absorbed in the television-obsessed future society and lacks the ability to feel and act human. The novel suggests that it is people like Guy, rather than those like Mildred, who will decide the fate of the future world (McGiveron 2). Bradbury voices this belief through Guy, who explains â€Å"[the future] will come out of our hands†(Bradbury 161). People like Mildred are too unfeeling, unthinking, and television-obsessed to create any big changes in the world. In order for people like Mildred to have any hope of influencing the future, they would have to first open their minds to exploring new ideas. Guy represents the people who have successfully done that. Once Guy opened his mind to new ideas and self-reflection, he allowed himself to develop a human conscience, which spurred him to take action. The future, then, will come out of the hands and actions of those, like Guy, who have developed a human conscience because they are the ones with the inner vision to see the changes needed and the motivation to create those changes. Furthermore, the transformation of the world of Fahrenheit 451 is the main idea behind the symbolism of the phoenix. The symbol of the phoenix represents rebirth. The phoenix was a mythical bird that â€Å"periodically burned itself to death and resurrected from its own ashes to a restored youth†(Sisario 1). The symbolism of the phoenix myth turns fire into an instrument of renewal (Telgen 12). This renewal is apparent in Montag’s murder of Captain Beatty. Montag chose to kill Captain Beatty because Captain Beatty was trying to prevent Montag from reading books and gaining a conscience. Montag took the flame-thrower that Captain Beatty had been using to burn down Montag’s house and precious store of books, and then Montag used it to burn Captain Beatty to death (Bradbury 119). In this way, Beatty’s tragic death by fire is â€Å"for Guy a rebirth to a new intellectual life†(Sisario 2). Captain Beatty represents the world of blind allegiance to society, and, by burning Captain Beatty, Montag is definitively stating that he will no longer be a member of that societyâ€â€he has chosen to read, to learn, to be reborn! The symbolism of the phoenix continues after the burning of Captain Beatty with the burning of whole cities. The government in the world of Fahrenheit 451 tried to control its citizens through fire (KnowledgeNotes 6). Thus, it is fitting that the government, and the cities that they controlled, were destroyed with fire (KnowledgeNotes 6). The novel suggests the hope that â€Å"a new society will be born from the ashes of the old one†(Telgen 12). Thus, while the death of Captain Beatty represented rebirth for one person, Guy Montag, the burning of whole cities represents potential regrowth for all of humanity (KnowledgeNotes 6). The last symbol in the novel is the symbol of the mechanical hound, which represents the cold inhumanity of technology. Although most of the people who live in the cities of Fahrenheit 451’s world do not realize it, there is an ongoing war happening. One side of the war is the â€Å"manufactured reality†of the technological society. The other side of the war is the â€Å"natural life†existence of the people who find their way out of the city (KnowledgeNotes 6). The mechanical hound is like a soldier in this war on the side of the technological manufactured reality. The mechanical hound is trying to keep people trapped in the mechanical world of the city (KnowledgeNotes 6). The soldiers on the other side of the war are the people like Montag and Granger, who are trying to help society find their way back to human consciousness. The mechanical hound is at once â€Å"the perfect creature of the system†¦and the most complete violation of humanity,†because it represents a â€Å"replacement of the human with a machine†(Eller 2). The mechanical hound is thus a terrifyingly inhuman soldier, and it embodies the way that â€Å"technological advances can be used for destructive purposes (Telgen 12). With its â€Å"hypo-dermic needle tounge,†the mechanical hound â€Å"paralyzes the offending book lover†(Joyce 1). Even when book lovers do manage to destroy a mechanical hound, another hound comes to take its place, which suggests, â€Å"technology used destructively cannot be easily demolished†(Telgen 12). Though hard to kill, the mechanical hound is not actually alive because it â€Å"lacks a mind of its own and a body that feels†(Eller 2). The mechanical hound is therefore the ultimate symbol of the â€Å"dehumanizing side of technology†(Telgen 12), for it is a cold, thoughtless, senseless machine that destroys human book-lovers who try to fight against it. Bradbury’s use of symbolism is central to examining important ideas in Fahrenheit 451. The mechanical hound, the phoenix, and the imagery of hands are all seemingly straightforward elements to the story that represent crucial concepts. The use of the mechanical hound, distorting a living creature, to represent the evils of technology is especially creative. Bradbury’s genius is in using objects to symbolize these important ideas.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Journal Of Logistics Research Applications -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Journal Of Logistics Research Applications? Answer: Introduction Business management is the act of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions, which enables an organization towards achieving long term organizational objectives (Blackburn et al., 2013). The study will describe Woolworths of Australia, which is going to enter into new transportation and storage business sector. This study will examine and evaluate business level strategies, global and multinational strategies and organizational structure and strategies for the new SBU of Woolworths. Apart from that, the study will also suggest some appropriate recommendations towards gaining the success of new transportation and storage business unit of Woolworths. Background Woolworths is the largest supermarket chain in Australia. The first store of Woolworths was actually established in 1924. The retail giant Woolworths is actually operating more than 995 full size supermarket across Australia. The organization is mostly specialized in groceries, but it also sells DVDs, magazines, health and beauty products, stationary items, pet and baby products and others ( 2017). The organization has also more than 111000 employees. Woolworths operates both in domestic as well as international marketing. The organization also has online delivery system towards enhanced customer convenience. Apart from supermarket chains, 1000 stores and 19 convenience stores of Woolworths also carry the same organizational logo. Woolworths account for 80% of the Australian market ( 2017). Among the food retailers, the Woolworths of Australia holds 43% market share in Australia. Figure 1: Food Market Share of Woolworths (Source: 2017) Analysis of Possible Strategies According to Klettner et al., (2014), business-level strategies define the set of integrated and coordinated activities, which are used by an organization towards creating competitive advantage through exploiting its core competencies. On the other hand, Bentley et al., (2013) opined that the purpose of business-level strategies is intended to create differences between the position of an organization and its competitors for gaining competitive edge. Therefore the business level strategies for the new SBU of Woolworths can best be suggested through Porters Generic strategy. Porters Generic Model suggests for three types of business level strategies to organizations towards gaining competitive advantage and market attractiveness over the rivals. Therefore, Woolworth can use following three types of business level strategies through Porters Generic model for gaining competitive advantage in transportation and storage industry. Cost Leadership Strategy Martinez-Simarro et al., (2015) pointed out that cost leadership strategy suggests for being low cost producer in the industry for a specific level of quality. On the other hand, Chen and Jermias, (2014) opined that cost leadership strategy facilitates an organization towards selling their products and goods at low prices to the customers having being low cost producer in market. While considering the transportation and storage business unit of Woolworths, the organization should use cost leadership strategy for its services. Moreover, the organization should offer low prices to the customers for their transportation and storage services like UPS, DHL and others. Such low price of services would help the organization in gaining competitive advantage and increased market share over the rivals through beating the price war. Differentiation Strategy As per Kellermanns et al., (2014), differentiation strategy suggests for incorporating unique attribute the products and services of an organization, which can provide unique value to the customers. Such unique customer value leads the customers to perceive the products and services to be unique over the competitors. On the other hand, Li and Tan, (2013) opined that unique attributes also allow an organization to charge premium prices for some unique products and services. Therefore, Woolworths should adopt differentiation strategy for their new transportation and storage services for creating unique customer value. Moreover, the organization should provide specialized transportation services to the customers. The organization should always deliver the goods of the client timely to their desired place. Furthermore, the vehicles used in the transportation should always provide uninterrupted services without any vehicle breakthrough in the middle of the roads. Woolworth should also hav e large fleet power unit, which will include air-ride and lift gate vehicle for ensure reliable and consistent transportation services. In case of storage services, the organization should always provide experienced packing crew for moving the goods of the clients in the storage. Focus Strategy According to Jayaram et al., (2014) focus strategy concentrates on narrow customer segment and gaining competitive advantage within that segment through either cost leadership or competitive strategy. Narrowing down the customer segment helps an organization towards provide unique customer through concentrating specifically on those customers. In case of transportation and storage unit of Woolworth, the organization should concentrate of business clients. Within this segment, the organization should provide unique value to the customers tough provide unique services. It will help the organization in better gaining competitive advantage within narrow customer segment though highly focusing on their needs. Figure 1: Business-Level Strategies (Source: Ghosal, 2015) Global Strategies and the Multinational Corporation Global strategies are mostly adopted by Multinational Corporations through which the organizations want to make competitive position in global or international market. While considering the new transportation and storage business unit of Woolworths, it can follow the following the global strategies of strategic management for making competitive market in international basis. International Strategy Dahlberg et al., (2016) opined that international strategy suggests an organizations towards leveraging the home based core competencies in the international market. Moreover, the organizations offer same types of products and services both in domestic as well as international market. On the other hand, Ibrahim, (2015) opined that the logic behind international strategy is that the approved competitive edge of domestic products and services will also create competitive edge in international market. Therefore, Woolworths can use same types of transportation and storage services both in domestic as well as international market for consistently maintaining competitive advantage in global market. Localization or Multi-domestic Strategy According to Ghezzi, (2013), localization strategy suggests for maximizing the local responsiveness of the products and services through multi-domestic strategy. Moreover, multi-domestic strategy sacrifices the efficiency in favor of emphasizing local responsiveness of the products and services in each market. On the other hand, Ryu et al., (2015) opined that localization strategy make the domestic products and services more familiar to the international customers. Moreover, such strategy facilitates in creating competitiveness in global market, while global consumers perceive the organization to be domestic organization. In case of Woolworths, the organization should align their transportation and storage service with the local requirements of international markets. Moreover, the organization can initiate customized product offerings in the global market for creating global competitive advantage. Global Standardization Alsudiri et al., (2013) global standardization strategy concentrates on increasing the profit growth of an organization through reaping the cost reductions, which come from location economics, economies of scale and learning effects. The goal of the strategy is to pursue a low cost strategy on global scale, which can facilitate the organizations in fostering competitive advantage with cost leadership strategy. While considering the transportation and storage business unit of Woolworths, the organization can hire labor, vehicles, technological support and other business equipments from the countries, where it can avail them at low prices. It will help the organization is reducing overall organizational cost and enhance economies of scale towards enhancing organizational profitability. Transnational Strategy Transnational strategy opts for combination of localization strategy and global standardization strategy. Moreover, Eaton and Kilby, (2015) opined that transnational strategy suggests for both gaining economies of scale and enhancing local responsiveness in global market. In case of new business unit of Woolworths, the organization should both reduce overall organizational cost as well as enhance local responsiveness in the global market for gaining high level of competitive advantage in global market. Figure 2: Global Strategy (Source: Vlachos, 2016) Organizational Structure and Strategy Organizational structure defines the activities like task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are actually directed towards achieving organizational goals. Thom and Medeiros, (2016) pointed out that Organizations must adhere to efficient, innovative, flexible and caring for achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Likewise, Woolworths should also be highly conscious about framing effective organizational structure towards achieving sustainable competitive advantage. The following components of organizational structure should be followed by Woolworths for their getting success in new transportation and storage business. Flat Organizational Structure According to vrov and Vrchota, (2014), flat organizational structure has few or no middle level managers between the employees and executives. The employees are free to directly communicate with the upper management. Less rules and regulations are imposed on the employees in flat organizational structure, which encourage the employees towards enhancing their productivity. Therefore, Woolworths should frame flat organizational structure for their new SBU for getting sustainable competitive advantage. Free Flow of Communication Flat organizational structure ensures free flow of communication between management and employees. Moreover, the managers always share important organizational information with the employees (Ghosal, 2015). Therefore, such organizational structure maintains a transparency between the employees and managers. In case of Woolworths, flat organization would definitely ensure clear understanding of the organization objectives by the employees due to free flow of communication. Therefore, they can better align their efforts with organizational objectives towards ensuring their success. Less Stringent Rules and Regulations Kossyva et al., (2015) opined that flat organizational structure ensures less stringent rules and regulations imposed on the employees. Therefore, such organizational structure ensures high level of employee morale with flexible organizational approach. Therefore, Woolworths should ensure less strict rules and regulations on the employees in new SBU for enhancing their morale and level of productivity Allowing Employees in Decision Making Process Flat organizational structure always ensures empowerment of the employees through enhancing their values at the workplace. Moreover, such organizational structure involves the employees in organizational decision making process, which enhances their motivation level and job efficiency level. Likewise, adoption of flat organizational structure would also ensure high level of employee motivation for the employees of new SBU of Woolworths. Therefore, such employees would better concentrate on the success of new SBU of Woolworths. Kind Supervision According to Ibrahim, (2015), flat organizational structure ensures equal allocation of tasks among the employees, which ensures shared employee workloads. Likewise, Woolworths should ensure equal distribution of tasks among the employees. Apart from that, adoption of flat organizational structure would also ensure kind supervision of the management to the employees of new SBU of Woolworths. Therefore, it would ensure sustainable competitive advantage of the SBU through ensure reduced complexity level of the employees. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that Woolworth is going to enter into transportation and storage industry. Among the most effective business level strategies, Woolworths should ensure cost leadership strategy through reducing the cost of transportation and storage services. Moreover, the organization should also ensure differentiation in the new transportation and storage services. It should ensure uninterrupted and customized transportation and storage services for ensure competitive advantage over the rivals. On the other hand, among the global and multinational strategies, Woolworths should ensure transnational strategy for getting success in global market. Moreover, the organization should maximize the local responsiveness of the transportation and storage services in the global markets. Furthermore, the organization should ensure increase the economies of scale of the services in the global market. On the other hand, the organization should ensure flat organizational structure for its new SBU for ensuring increased employee productivity. Cost Leadership Strategy Woolworths should ensure cost leadership strategy for their new transportation and storage business units. Moreover, the organization should ensure low cost for the overall organizational operation. It would also ensure low prices for the transportation and storage services for beating the price war in the market and gaining competitive advantage over the competitors in the market. Furthermore, the organization can also enhance the market share of the new business through ensuring the prices of services below the average industry prices. Affordable prices of the services would ensure increased service adoption by the customers, which would ensure increase market share and competitive advantage in the market. Differentiation Strategy In case of new transportation and storage services of Woolworths, the organization should ensure unique attributes to the services provided to the customers. Moreover, the organization should ensure the perceived value of the customers regarding the services over the competitors in the market. Woolworths must ensure uninterrupted and air-ride and lift gate vehicles for transportation services. Furthermore, the organization should also ensure experienced packing crew for moving the goods of the clients safely. In this way, customized services would ensure competitive advantage of the business over the competitors in the market. Transnational Strategy Woolworths should also ensure transnational strategy for gaining success of new SBU in the global market. Moreover, it should ensure combination of global standardization strategies and multi-domestic strategies towards ensuing global success. The organization should ensure local responsiveness of the global market. In this way, the global customers would feel the organization as domestic organization. The organization should ensure local offerings of the organizations. Apart from that, the organization should also ensure enhance the economies of scale of the services through taking the local advantage of the global market. In this way, combination of global standardization and multi-domestic strategies would ensure global success of the new SBU of Woolworths. Flat Organizational Structure Woolworths should adopt flat organizational structure for the new transportation and storage business. Moreover, in such organizational structure, the employees should get enhanced value at their workplace. There should be less stringent rules and regulations imposed on the employees. It would encourage the employees towards enhancing their productivity. 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