Monday, May 18, 2020
Racism and Its Deep Roots in US History - 1688 Words
Racism and Its Deep Roots in US History Throughout US history, white Americans often viewed the other races (or coloreds) as inferior. Even though slavery had been abolished, laws and practices inhibited the fundamental rights African Americans were entitled to. Thus the mentality of racism and prejudice thoughts had persisted in people’s minds. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is set in Maycomb County, Alabama during the timeframe of the 1930s. Citizens of Maycomb County abide by a set of segregation laws and practices. Maycomb County is a typical homogenized and strictly divided region in southern US. The main character Scout is challenged with concepts regarding morality and ethics when dealing with racism occurring at†¦show more content†¦In our courts, when its a white mans word against a black mans, the white man always wins. Theyre ugly, but those are the facts of life†(Lee. p.117). A few days later, there was news going about Tom Robinson being gun down while attempting to escap e. The death of Tom Robinson provoked more racist stereotypes concerning the morals and ethics of African Americans. As Scout thought in her head, â€Å"To Maycomb, Toms death was typical. Typical of a nigger to cut and run. Typical of a niggers mentality to have no plan, no thought for the future, just run blind first chance he saw. Funny thing, Atticus Finch mightve got him off scot free, but wait-? Hell no. You know how they are. Easy come, easy go. Just shows you, that Robinson boy was legally married, they say he kept himself clean, went to church and all that, but when it comes down to the line the veneers mighty thin. Nigger always comes out in em†(Lee, p. 128). The execution of Tom Robinson implies the title of this book: To Kill a Mockingbird. In a literal sense, Tom Robinson is like a Mockingbird, whom does no harm. In a way he might have already â€Å"died†or lost faith in himself when he was sentenced to prison. Atticus could have appealed his case to the state supreme court which he might eventually be acquitted. As Atticus once informed Scout and Jem earlier that it is an sin to kill a Mockingbird. It can be implied that Bob and Mayella Ewell are responsible for killing of a mockingbird, which in aShow MoreRelatedPolice Rights Research Paper970 Words  | 4 Pagestake a knee during the National Anthem. This one act set off a firestorm that has echoed deep in the core of the American conscious. It began to show the differences of this country in a new light. â€Å"If human differences have their place, so also does divine unity. For those who are in relationship with God, this unity must, because of God’s nature, have precedence over diversity,†shares Okholm. What the root of this protest by Kaepernick? 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